List of Anti-virus software known to interfere with Newsbin

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List of Anti-virus software known to interfere with Newsbin

Postby dexter » Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:18 am

Starting with Version 5.53, some virus scanners are interfering when they detect unexpected NNTP traffic due to the new compressed header download capability. The list is:
If you are having problems downloading headers and your Logging tab shows connection problems to the server, temporary eliminate the virus scanner to verify it is causing the problem. Once verified, you have several options to resolve the issue:
  • Configure your news server to use an alternate port, like port 80 if available
  • Configure your news server to use SSL, if available
  • Switch to a different antivirus software package.

If you discover another antivirus product that also interferes, please let me know and I'll update this FAQ so others can benefit from your experience.
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