Consistently good. Able to be accessed from remote locations -- we just spent a month in Asia, and were able to download as easily from a hotel room as from New Jersey, USA.
Retention currently 401 days; unlimited downloads for $14.95/month. Direct billing to your credit card.
Speed: I have a 20Mbit FIOS connection from home, and I'm usually within 95% of that speed. Since I am a giant sponge

When we took off for our trip to China I left NewsbinPro 5.54 in auto mode on our main house computer, 3 connections, pointed at a 2 terabyte hard drive. When I got home Dec. 2nd, I had over 500 assembled movies (though a lot were compressed Xvid or DivX).
This combination, NB Pro plus PowerUsenet, is the best available for accessing Usenet materials at this time, December 2009. You can pay more for Giganews, the heavily-advertised sister company, but you will not get more.