Playing with Wine

While it isn't officially supported, we have many users who successfully run NewsBin under Linux with a Windows emulator (Wine is the most popular). This forum exists for you Linux guys to share your experience getting NewsBin running on Linux as well as report any strangeness that we may or may not be able to fix. DThor is the resident expert.

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Playing with Wine

Postby nailzer » Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:46 pm

I installed Ubuntu 7.10 beta today. I tried NBPro 5.35 B8142 with the latest release of Wine and got pretty good results. It actually ran. I got it registered
but was a bit disappointed it didn't have a function to load an .nbi file. It would have made things a bit easier, but I was happy it ran at all. With earlier 7.04 Ubuntu and Wine it crashed as soon as it started.
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Postby sdavmor » Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:30 am

Worth observing 2 1/2 years down the road from nailzer's post: Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 2 and Newsbin 5.55 build 9762 on Wine 1.1.42 seems to be functioning quite well on my AMD Phenom box. There are some things that don't seem to be working (search lists), and the "display server" window is graphically fubar, but those may be something here with my system rather than a universal Newsbin on Wine issue. Overall I'm very pleased with it and can now consider this one more of those 'must have or must get same functionality' Windows apps migrated forward. Another big step towards permanently getting Windows out of my house.
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Postby newsraider » Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:40 pm

been windows free for 3 yrs now and i love it :)
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Postby sdavmor » Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:50 pm

Anyone else having an issue with search lists when running Newsbin 5.55 on Wine? I can enter a word into the search box (i.e. Pumpernickel) expecting that all entries for Pumpernickel within the time-frame being viewed will display. Which was working properly on Newsbin in a VM on Ubuntu a couple of days ago. But nothing shows up, and the search box entries aren't being saved, running Newsbin on Wine.

If I'm unique in this problem then I presume there's something missing from my Wine setup. Is there anything I should have installed that Newsbin 5.55 build 9762 is expecting in the environment to support its searches?

It's not a showstopper, and certainly not enough of an issue to make me go back to running Newsbin in a VirtualBox VM, but I'd like to get it fixed for dealing with going back a year in Giganews to find files. Less is more, etc.

FYI, my setup is an AMD Phenom 4 core processor with 8gb of RAM. 4*1.5TB Seagate drives. It's plenty fast and powerful enough. The important part is that I am running Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 Beta 2, and Wine 1.1.42 out of the repositories.
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Postby Quade » Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:30 pm

Prior searches are stored in a file called "GuiItems.db3" .
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Postby sdavmor » Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:58 pm

I'm good now. A classic case of operator error and making an assumption about what would happen when typing in a search string and hitting <ENTER>. Nothing. But if I type it in and click the "Search" button it works. :oops: Doh!

The NB+Wine+Ubuntu combo is looking very solid indeed, Quade. I just have to address some loss of compression of headers that I was getting when using VirtualBox. But I'll save that until mid-week 'cos I need to get my taxes finished. (Yay! TurboTax).
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