Just as an update for you guys, I've started to run a VM to test Linux distros(just for my own nefarious uses

) and I installed the latest/greatest Ubuntu 10.10 as a guest host just a moment ago, I grabbed the generic wine(running 64 bit ubuntu, but I think the default wine is 32, plus I installed the 32 bit Newsbin), and Newsbin installed and ran flawlessly. Registered, downloaded material, the works. I didn't need to fiddle with a single thing, and the system install was with all the defaults as far as security. This goes to show that for the most part:
1. Latest default wine is probably your best option for new distro releases. Try to avoid 3rd party wine wrappers unless you *really* need it. These typically can co-exist, however!
2. If you do feel the need to fiddle/hack/manually override things(well, you *are* Linux users after all

), then the highest likelihood for the cause of your grief, assuming the app installs and seems to run OK, but doesn't do anything, is the firewall or similar features built in to whatever wine wrapper you're using. As my experience proves, though, if you just 'follow the rules', things usually just work.