In this one, I minimized the groups tab.

This one has the Groups tab open. Still does pictures too:

Still no ETA for public Beta. It's getting close though.
I was able to load and display 850 days of "Boneless" in under 30 seconds today.
I was able to load and display 850 days of "Boneless" in under 30 seconds today.
How many Mb does NB store on a drive for 850 days boneless i wonder
Semel wrote:Are there any plans on some improvements done to built-in search?
Search for author, search within a certain age range, manual input of any group u want to make a search in(not like now when you have to have them subscribed) etc etc.
Quade wrote:While I think the core downloading stuff is a huge win. I think the speed of loading headers is even better. With compressed headers off Giganews, I'm seeing 400 Mbps header downloads and I can load all of boneless in 30 seconds.
The first beta won't be feature complete but, will be better than 5.59 in every way.
when it was really in Alpha shape
Semel wrote:let us have custom auto group update settings improved\extended (from 1 min to xx, at least in INI files settings)@*wildly dancing and waving hands,trying to put a spell*
Semel wrote:The first beta won't be feature complete but, will be better than 5.59 in every way.
the words "features" and "to do list" sound promising![]()
let us have custom auto group update settings improved\extended (from 1 min to xx, at least in INI files settings)@*wildly dancing and waving hands,trying to put a spell*
when it was really in Alpha shape
it wasnt that bad as far as i remember
i doubt it will go 1 min, there purely is no need unless you are part of some scene that uses the nzb or compltete files to get points within the scene
Its only the small ammount of headers get downloaded every 1 min(since its often) besides the load on NNTP providers side is minimum compared to usual downloads(DVDs,games,blurays, hundreds and hundreds Gigs of information each day) so i dont see how getting a small ammount of compressed headers(being already conencted to nntp provider) makes its life harder
I can press as monkey this button every 1 min or let newsbin pro do the job right without "harming" anyone.
1 min is a reasonable interval in my opinion.
As far as i remember itimpi's NBSCHEDULE
hettich wrote: The 50Mbps is as measured by 5.59 - Resource Monitor is telling me around 10Mbps - not sure which one is correct.
One small request for V6, if it's not already been requested and/or incorporated - something to tell me that NewsBin is doing something and not hung when it's doing a search on a large group - so that I don't have to keep using extra resources to run Resource Monitor.
dexter wrote:I'm putting a new alpha up today.
oscardt wrote:Does that mean that there is a public alpha? Or just that there is a new alpha for the current alpha testers?
Semel wrote:oh well as for me i dont realy expect wonders=) i just believe it will be a solid piece of software=)
just gief me update group interval from 1 min and ill be happy as the March Hare
see, not very demanding at all
maybe a bit hung up on 1 minbut what can i say.. im a sucker for customizable update intervals
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