Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

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Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby dexter » Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:01 pm

Ok, posted another video. This one shows Version 6 downloading a rar/par set. Shows how expansion works in post and download list. Also explains a little bit about multipart posts. Enjoy.

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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby TMM » Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:34 pm

Was that with the current beta build and once again keep up the good work
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby dexter » Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:00 pm

Yes, current public beta.
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby dexter » Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:26 pm

By the way, if you want to practice by downloading the track video shown in the demo, I've posted it to - same title as in the demonstration video. You can also find and download it using Internet Search if you are a subscriber. Just type in "civic gt3" (without the quotes) and it will come right up.
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby orygun » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:45 pm

Thanks for the vid- I'd been trying for days to get the expansion to work by clicking the caret in the circle, not knowing I had to hit the Status column instead.

My worry was that (under the old V5) posts would get lost in the compact view and I needed to see the full view in order to find the 'lost' ones. Seems ya'll have fixed that.
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby Quade » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:55 pm

Status column? Sounds like you're using a non-standard column order.

Ctrl-Q will make it expand too.
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby orygun » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:45 pm

Quade wrote:Status column? Sounds like you're using a non-standard column order.

Ctrl-Q will make it expand too.

Have: Status Size Subject From Date

Saw that CTRL-Q once and forgot about it.. durn... does work :)

Ok, guess I don't have any complaints then...
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby Quade » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:51 pm

Yeah, status in the first column messes up the mouse click hit-testing.
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby kamakazi downloader » Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:31 pm

Dexter, if par is parity does that mean rar is rarity? :) ...j/k. Another good tute you've shown us, keep 'em coming, please! I find these easier to understand than some of the text tutes, I guess seeing the demo is a big teaching aid for me, lol.

ps I gotta say, the more I use the new V6, the more I'm loving it for sure.

pss Maybe when you finish with all of the demos, you could put them all in one post for easy accessing. Locked, of course so they don't get lost in the responses.
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby dexter » Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:31 am

All the videos are accessible on the Newsbin Youtube Channel as well as in the Help Wiki.
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby kamakazi downloader » Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:31 am

great, didn't know about that (you-tube posted) :D thnx
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby Skynetfroggy » Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:31 pm

Great !
It's easier to understand everything with a good video ;)
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby xram » Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:22 am

Dexter one thing I couldn't understand, in the video you qued the rar and par files, in past the pars were only downloaded if they were needed for repair and never all of them but only those that were needed for repair. Is it still the same? In my experience with version six, looks like it downloads all of the par files, no matter if they are needed or not!
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby dexter » Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:28 am

It's the same. The PAR files are in the download list now but they are paused. They are only downloaded if needed.
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby xram » Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:48 am

What if the par set was not grouped with rar set, I see that mostly with audio books. Do I need to manually download the smallest par file or by putting all pars in the queue, it automatically run the smallest par file and start downloading what it need?
Hope I am clear in my question!
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby DThor » Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:07 am

Crystal clear. I'm not 100 % about the latest beta, but certainly the internal release where Newsbin is having difficulty pairing a post with its pars, I'll download the main files, then add the par set and it connects the two, just grabs the first small par and will only snag what it needs to extract and/or repair the set.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby Mobius » Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:53 pm

DThor wrote:Crystal clear. I'm not 100 % about the latest beta, but certainly the internal release where Newsbin is having difficulty pairing a post with its pars, I'll download the main files, then add the par set and it connects the two, just grabs the first small par and will only snag what it needs to extract and/or repair the set.


I'm having to do this quite often which I don't have a problem with. It would be nice though if after auto unrar NB also deletes the par set in addition to the downloaded files.
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby DThor » Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:12 pm

I know I double click the par set, it snags the first, finds no missing parts, extracts, and removes the parset from the dload queue. I *thought* that it also removed the par file too...I might be mistaken, or it does it on certain types of sets.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby andy » Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:37 am

Great Video, but I have a question ...

In a typical 8gb movie there are a lot of files, and I'd like to download the NFO and the basic PAR2 file first. If I expand the view, highlight a file and click on "move to top" it doesn't do it. How can I "uncouple" the set of files into individual files that I can download in the desired order?

I thought v6 was a pain at first, but I took off my tinfoil hat and discovered it's BRILLIANT. Well done, guys! :D
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby dexter » Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:28 am

The files all stay with the set now. The smallest PAR2 file will download first but only when the entire set is at the top of the download list or if the previous set is almost done and you have enough connections available to start on this set. There is a manual workaround I suppose, you could move the entire set to the top, pause all the files except the nfo and small par2, let them download, then move the set back down the list. I know that doesn't sound like that much fun but if it's really important to you, that's how you could do it.
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby darkfalz » Thu May 10, 2012 2:12 am


Newsbin is not auto-pausing PAR2 files when it is detected as a separate set (couldn't some check/logic be coded to recognise when two separate sets should be one and integrate them?).

Is this due to having aggressive enabled?
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby itimpi » Thu May 10, 2012 2:42 am

darkfalz wrote:Is this due to having aggressive enabled?

That is very likely.

In that mode NB will try to grab every file it finds (including PAR file) until it thinks it has enough blocks to repair & unpack the set. If the PAR files are earlier in the download list than the other files this would mean they are automically downloaded.

You should not have Aggressive mode enabled if you want to minimise the number of PAR fles downloaded.
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby pusaqall » Thu May 17, 2012 11:44 pm

Just thinking what is the difference/similarity between RAR and PAR?
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby Quade » Thu May 17, 2012 11:47 pm

A RAR contains other files.

A PAR is used to repair files.

They're completely different things.
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby Leyden » Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:33 pm

err...the videos aren't available in IE? [which motd used - FF is default.....]
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby Leyden » Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:35 pm

itimpi wrote:
darkfalz wrote:Is this due to having aggressive enabled?

That is very likely.

In that mode NB will try to grab every file it finds (including PAR file) until it thinks it has enough blocks to repair & unpack the set. If the PAR files are earlier in the download list than the other files this would mean they are automically downloaded.

You should not have Aggressive mode enabled if you want to minimise the number of PAR fles downloaded.

sorry for being so thick, but where is the switch for 'aggressive' ?
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby Ace » Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:35 am

Leyden wrote:sorry for being so thick, but where is the switch for 'aggressive' ?
Open options, and it's in autopar options (Aggressive assembly mode).
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby Leyden » Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:06 pm

Got it
Thanks ACE
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby andy » Fri May 02, 2014 11:20 pm

Your avatar is just so damn handsome it's intimidating. I'm glad a chose a symbolic, self-deprecating one to defuse my constant nagging about the fact NewsBin screwed up its GUI, dropping a really essential feature.

All the damn files report only "1" file in the search results list. Some of the entries are putrid swill, one 22gb movie in a single file, for instance. Others are great posts, enough RARs and a good 10-20% PAR2s so we can download and correct the post days and days after it is posted. I PAY EXTRA for the search, and I want, yeh demand, the file listing reflect the true number of files, RARs and PAR2s, and not make me go down the lists sucking this shattered list onesies for the hidden info.

I hope you can understand me. How many loyal users have you screwed with this shameful Microsoft-grade GUI-deletion? Must be a few dozen, at least. So you won't say the reflexive "haven't seen this, don't know anything about it, your 'puter is obviously broken, you're a pushy obnoxious moron"

Please fix the GUI. You know you did bad. Just tighten your bandanna and fix it, eh?
but you don't accept images, do you? So much for real communications. Let's blunder around in ASCII forever ... :roll: :lol: :x :!: :!: :!:
Oh, hell, sorry, make that ANSI, eh?
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby Quade » Sat May 03, 2014 1:23 am

I searched for "Ubuntu LTS" with a 100 Mb min size filter.

Ubuntu 8.04 LTS i386 - Full - DVD 2 de 7 - Multi-Uni-DVD1 [NN/55] - "Multi-Uni-386-DVD1.rar",Idle/New [43 files,3 pars],4.47 GB,1933d:02h:19m,[email protected] (Spanishman),
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS i386 - Full - DVD 4 de 7 - Multi-Uni-DVD3 [45/56] - "Multi-Uni-386-DVD3.rar",Idle/New [43 files,1 pars],4.29 GB,1933d:01h:54m,[email protected] (Spanishman),a.b.warez
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS i386 - Full - DVD 3 de 7 - Multi-Uni-DVD2 [45/56] - "Multi-Uni-386-DVD2.rar",Idle/New [43 files,1 pars],4.29 GB,1933d:02h:07m,[email protected] (Spanishman),a.b.warez
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS i386 - Full - DVD 6 de 7 - Main-Repo-DVD1 [45/56] - "Main-Repo-386-DVD1.rar",Idle/New [43 files,1 pars],4.28 GB,1933d:01h:32m,[email protected] (Spanishman),a.b.warez
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS i386 - Full - DVD 6 de 7 - Main-Repo-DVD1 [NN/56] - "Main-Repo-386-DVD1.rar",Idle/New [43 files,1 pars],4.28 GB,1933d:01h:32m,[email protected] (Spanishman),
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS i386 - Full - DVD 3 de 7 - Multi-Uni-DVD2 [NN/56] - "Multi-Uni-386-DVD2.rar",Idle/New [43 files,1 pars],4.27 GB,1933d:02h:07m,[email protected] (Spanishman),

These are some of the results. Some of the legal results anyway. I'm seeing file counts. How about trying this search and see if you see file counts? These are 1900 some odd days old. In this search, I'm seeing proper file counts for all the results.

If you want to PM me a search that returns single files that actually have more than single files, I'll look at it. Don't post it here. Some specific subjects you think are wrong would probably help too.
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Re: Version 6 video downloading a RAR/PAR set

Postby andy » Sat May 03, 2014 4:15 am

......OK. First I have to say a sincere "Thank You". You may remember my early-warning post here, titled —
............v6.50B17 Build 3067 paid search function gobble
............Postby andy » 04 Apr 2014 02:47
......Where I reported the "1" file counts. Seemed then I was ridiculed and told to suck the files onesie if I wanted a file count. Read it again. That's a fact.
......I swore then I would never again load an "upgrade" version. Maybe 12 years with one program was enough. I gave up. Was going to run the flawed v6.50 B18 lest I get another one of those upgrades.
......I just downloaded v6.51 B3162 and holybluescreen Я∀〒Ƶ — the GUI is back to its former wonderful, informative self, reporting "Idle/New [84 files, 14 pars]" for this download.
......My first report to you should not have been duffed off. I was doing my sincere best to help you guys keep NewsBin Pro the best, and it was goofy to send me packing. I appreciate finally getting the word about the fix. A "fixed it" reply to my 2014-04-04 message would have appropriately alerted me and obviated my anguished postscript of earlier today.

......You have several more fixes, tweaks and reversals of inappropriate coding that I really appreciate. Some very good stuff I wanted, and some I don't really understand.
......Like the old man used to say when I got it right,
......"I'll take three pins out of your dolly"

......My remark about ASCII and ANSI was wrong. I bask in the full gory of unicode, an invertebrate punster. (My most spineless pun. I won't do it again.)
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