Ubuntu - NBPro

While it isn't officially supported, we have many users who successfully run NewsBin under Linux with a Windows emulator (Wine is the most popular). This forum exists for you Linux guys to share your experience getting NewsBin running on Linux as well as report any strangeness that we may or may not be able to fix. DThor is the resident expert.

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Ubuntu - NBPro

Postby mimauk » Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:25 am

Happy New Year to everyone. :D :D :D

I've put a dual boot system on my PC - latest Ubuntu and M$Vista.

I've used Wine to try and run the NBPro.exe from the Vista installed version but I get a security message saying I can't run any 'exes' as they it doesn't have a security certificate. I've gone into the properties of the exe file and tried to check the box to make it ok to run but it does not stay 'checked'.

Do I have to re-install NBPro under Wine? which I presume will overwrite my Vista install as the default location is the same or is there another way to change the exe file properties so that I can make it run?
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Re: Ubuntu - NBPro

Postby DThor » Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:52 am

I'm pretty sure I've run NB in a very recent ubuntu in a VM without troubles. Offhand, it sounds like a permissions issue - sometimes how things are setup with mapping ownership between OSs can lead to oddities. If you want to run it the way Ubuntu expects you to, you're right, I think you need to mark it as 'executable', but your inability to change that suggests it's permission based.

Try 'chmod oug+rw thenewsbininstaller.exe' and see if that helps. You may need to sudo, not sure...Ubuntu tends to impose it's own way of managing permissions(one reason I don't care for it, as a long time linux user ;) ), so perhaps it's one of the permission things you can get with the GUI approach of right click/properties or similar.

You don't mention releases of Newsbin, I assume you're using a recent one(which has the 62/32 bit release from the single installer)...

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Re: Ubuntu - NBPro

Postby dexter » Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:58 am

mimauk wrote:I get a security message saying I can't run any 'exes' as they it doesn't have a security certificate.

What version of Newsbin? I've installed a security certificate since 5.42 I believe. Both to the installer and to the newsbin exe's. Anything older might not have one.
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Re: Ubuntu - NBPro

Postby mimauk » Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:42 am

Hi - thanks for the replies.

I'm using the latest 6.3 beta2 N B that was installed using Vista OS. I've never installed NB whilst in Linux mode - I was just trying to run it with Wine from the Vista installation. I was loath to install it in Linux in case it overwrote the Vista install and messed it up. I suppose I can copy/backup the Vista config. and have a go at installing it whilst Linux is running and see what happens. A job for later. :D
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Re: Ubuntu - NBPro

Postby DThor » Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:54 am

Err, you can't do that. wine creates it's own little 'OS in a folder' and needs to have an app installed directly to it, you can't run apps across OS's, especially Windows apps which typically require registry entries(like Newsbin).

If your goal is to have effectively a single Newsbin installation, but be able to run it on the fly from either windows or linux, that would take a bit of work. You'd need to install on both OS's, and have them share data files. In theory, doable, but my guess is there'd be some gotcha's here and there.

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Re: Ubuntu - NBPro

Postby Quade » Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:05 am

Yeah, you're on the bleeding edge. I'm not even sure where I'd start trying to make this work.

Newsbin doesn't require installation so, it should be possible to make this work but, I'd be very careful. You'll have to register in both places. You're basically using 2 instances of Newsbin anyway. They just happen to share data files.

If it was me, I'd probably install in both places and then tell Newsbin to use the data folder on the mounted share. It would work best if the mounted share had the same drive letter as the drive in windows otherwise, I don't think it'll work. The configuration files includes drive letters so, trying to share it when one drive uses C and the other D for example would be problematic.

Back up your configuration file. The database format that Newsbin uses doesn't like network shares very much so, I wouldn't try running Newsbin in both places at the same time.
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Re: Ubuntu - NBPro

Postby mimauk » Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:42 am

Thanks again guys - thats a lot clearer. :D

The only reason I was trying under Linux was I'm getting fed up with the time Vista takes to boot up - up to 5 minutes by the time its gone through everything - and everytime M$ give more updates it seems to add more time to the boot process. If I can get everything I use on Vista to work in Linux it will be better and faster. My Vista installation is 32 bit but the Linux installed at 64 bit and seems a lot better.

Thanks again.
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Re: Ubuntu - NBPro

Postby DThor » Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:21 pm

Yeah, without a lot of tweaking, vista sucks, and I speak as an ex-user. Win7 is much better.

Newsbin works quite nicely on linux - a couple of GUI issues, but it's snappy and self-contained in one directory. Because it's such an easy and non-committal thing to do, I'd recommend just installing it and giving it a go.

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Re: Ubuntu - NBPro

Postby Alex Atkin UK » Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:47 am

There is one niggling bug that has appeared in V6 though which I do not consider a minor GUI issue, you can't expand downloads at all now.

It used to be in early V6 that on Linux you could only expand them once you added them to your download list but not in the search window. At some point expanding in the download window got broken too which is kinda annoying as its impossible to tell which parts downloaded broken now. Also sometimes Newsbin fails to download par files automatically and now I cannot manually force it to do so, because I can't get to those par files without expanding the download.

Is it possible to add a right click option to expand also as with any luck that might bypass the bug causing a double click not to do anything?
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Re: Ubuntu - NBPro

Postby Quade » Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:08 pm

Right arrow expands too. At least in 6.3 right arrow expands.
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Re: Ubuntu - NBPro

Postby Alex Atkin UK » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:12 pm

Brilliant, that seems to work perfectly.

Now if I can just get it to re-download the bits that Par is showing as corrupt. It baffles me how Newsbin is able to decrypt files which appear whole but Par reports as missing (presumably corrupt) most of its data.
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Re: Ubuntu - NBPro

Postby Redbird » Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:17 pm

Quade wrote:Right arrow expands too. At least in 6.3 right arrow expands.

I have also the same problem with non-working double-click to expand post. This tip has been sooo helpfull :lol:

BTW, after this, I searched for more shorcuts. In case anyone needs them, they are here http://help.newsbin.com/index.php/V600-Shortcuts. I suppose I should have RTFM in the first place :mrgreen:
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