64bit version of newsbin on linux?

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64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby newsraider » Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:35 pm

i know i asked this a long time ago and i never got around to trying it. would installing on a 64bit windows then copying the .exe to my linux os be the best way to make this happen?

anyone try this and does it make a big difference?

im gonna guess Dthor will be the 1 to reply to this :wink:
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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby DThor » Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:59 pm

Nooooooo don't be doing that. :)

Assuming you're running a 64 bit system and a recent linux distro, you don't even have to think about this. I'm running SUSE 12.1 and I tested the latest Ubuntu in a VM and essentially you install wine(default package), then download the Newsbin installer. By default, it will install 64 bit across the board. They've sort of made the process invisible, as they should have. The Newsbin installer can handle either 32 or 64 bit systems, and the above config should present itself to the installer as 64 bit. Basically the less fiddling you do, the better.

Things have come a long way from the days of needing to compile your own 64 bit wine and not much ran in it. If you're running an old distro, though, this might not be the case.

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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby Hommedesbois » Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:33 pm

I'm running 64-bit Mint 12. Newsbin defaults to 32-bit when I try to install, then crashes my machine. This may be due to the 'bending' of menus I get with Mint
rather than Newsbin itself of course.
Maybe I will install Suse in another partition and see if it is as easy as you say. It used to work, sort of, under Mint 6.
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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby DThor » Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:44 pm

I've never tried Mint, I'll take a look in a VM if I get a chance. I've not had troubles with any recent distros I've tried, that's a little surprising. SUSE will definitely work.


[EDIT] Quite correct, it appears to be installing the 32 bit wine, doesn't appear to give you an option, either. Newsbin does seem to work fine, though, not having any crashing issues. When you say crashing the machine, you mean literally the whole OS crashes? That indicates more serious problems. wine might just be triggering it.

Interesting distro, seemed like a no-brainer, but I still prefer me SUSE. :)
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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby Hommedesbois » Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:45 pm

Nothing seems to crash the whole machine, although sometimes it goes for a walk and comes back to the start page.
I got as far as entering my simonews stuff but it all just disappeared. I suspect Wine is the culprit but this Mint 12 is
far from stable. This is a new laptop and Fedora 16 didn't last long on it either. Maybe Gnome is the problem........
Suse you say?
I love Mint but like the Irish rugby team it is crap on discipline.
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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby DThor » Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:53 pm

Hmm, I wonder if gnome is related? I'm not a fan since the havoc pennington school of user interface was instigated(users start stupid and stay stupid, keep it simple), I installed the KDE version of Mint.

Also, the fact you have a new laptop and more than one distro is having trouble makes me wonder if the motherboard or some of the other gear just isn't linux friendly yet. I've rarely come across that nowadays, though.

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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby Hommedesbois » Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:10 pm

A Clevo C5500 (from memory) bought 'clean' a few months ago.
Motherboard shouldn't be a problem and after my previous Tosh satellite it is wonderful.
Tomorrow I will install KDE/Suse/Ultimate Edition .... and possibly lose the will to live.
I will keep you informed.
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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby Hommedesbois » Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:20 am

I have now installed Suse KDE, and Newsbin download is still defaulting to 32-bit without giving me the option to change to 64.
I'm very definitely running a 64-bit machine .... AMD Athlon dual-core QL-62, but as the version of Wine is only 32-bit .....not much
I can do.
I will install 32-bit Newsbin.
Edit: Wine failed when I tried to install Nb. A learning curve.
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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby DThor » Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:53 am

Wow, that's a lot of grief. FWIW I'm a hardcore Intel user, won't touch amd, and I've never seen this. I know, it shouldn't matter, but that's my scenario anyway. I did definitely see the 32 bit wine scenario in mint, though, but in SUSE for me it was just 'smart', didn't give me any options, just assumed I'd want 64 bit on 64 bit hardware. Weird. All good information, though. To me the 32/64 issue is peripherally involved, if at all. I'm leaning towards graphics chips at this point. Honestly, that laptop just plain isn't acting terribly linux-friendly, from my pov. I never have these sorts of troubles, so the hardware is definitely related. I'd be doing some googling about that laptop and linux. Not that it would help you much...

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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby mimauk » Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:23 am

In January, I installed Newsbin on my Desktop - AMD Phenom 4 core 64 bit - running the latest Ubuntu and it only gave the 32 bit option. Another problem I had was the only download folder path I could get to work was to have the folder on the desktop.
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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby DThor » Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:31 am

That's a good clue, I guess AMD/Intel does make a difference. The download folder thing just sounds like permissions to me, I could get it to download anywhere. Be sure to run Newsbin as the user, not with sudo.

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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby Hommedesbois » Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:15 pm

I have given up trying. Wine errors preventing me from getting near to Newsbin. I tried downloading Mint 12 KDE but failed to get an installable
version on 4 different dvds using French and Irish download mirrors.
Suse 12 doesn't allow .avi files, .wmv took a small amount of work, .rar and mp I don't know.
Enough to make Windows look tempting..........
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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby DThor » Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:38 am

Well, I'm sure not going to try and push Linux on you, I'm assuming you have reasons to try it in the first place, but I've been using it since the first floppy distribution back in the 80s and I have no trouble at all with media files. Download mirrors are just that - mirrors. They're all the same, so that's irrelevant. SUSE 'doesn't allow' avi? Huh? It's a distribution, not a media player. Mplayer, vlc both play them fine.

Anyway, I use windows too, it's got lots of good things about it. You should use whatever OS you're most comfortable with, but for the record newsbin works fine under wine. Not perfectly of course, but considering you're running a windows application without a VM, that's pretty impressive. It's very usable.

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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby Hommedesbois » Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:09 pm

Well here we are again.... I bought a Linux Mint 12 KDE dvd and everything works 'out of the box'.
Wine still defaults to 32 bit but Newsbin works.
I now have the "HIGH - DG - Connect Flood Delay Active" message and about 30 seconds of downloading for each logon.

One door closes, another one opens.
When I said 'Suse doesn't allow' I meant 'isn't compatible with'. There is a review linked to from the Suse forum about the amount of work
needed to make everything work.
Thanks for your help btw
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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby Quade » Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:53 pm

Try cutting the connection in 1/2 and see what happens. Sounds like something is causing disconnects.
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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby Hommedesbois » Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:24 am

Upgrading to to Newsbin 6.30 fixed the problem.
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Re: 64bit version of newsbin on linux?

Postby nikkil » Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:07 pm

Nice to hear this. Possible bug on the earlier version? Anyways, I'm trying this within this week.
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