Version 6.40 Ready to be Translated

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Moderators: Quade, dexter

Version 6.40 Ready to be Translated

Postby dexter » Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:56 pm

Since Version 6.40 is now in Release Candidate Status, we are gearing up to get new words and phrases translated. If you've done this before, you know the drill, go to to perform the updates and let me know when updates are done so I can rebuild the language pack.

If you are interested in becoming a translator, first check the completion of your native language on the translation page and if it is not 100%, contact us and we'll set up an account for you. All you need to know is English and your own native language, and how to update a wiki. We do the rest to get it into Newsbin.

We currently support 19 languages in addition to English and they are all supported by volunteers. We reward volunteers with free Internet Search subscriptions. If you are a volunteer and aren't receiving Search for free, don't be shy about asking me for your subscription. As long as you've been active in the translation wiki, I'm happy to give you some free search time.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed and will contribute to this effort!
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