How to Filter Out keyword for Internet Search Results

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How to Filter Out keyword for Internet Search Results

Postby Spartacus12 » Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:55 pm

Okay. I am doing a search for something on the internet. I search for the term and it comes up with the list of results. I know if I want to find something in these results I can just start typing in the search window and it will only show what I type.

My question is: How to I do the opposite and remove a term from that list of results?

1. I search for ubuntu linux
2. I get a list of results
3. I see the word German throughout the subject line of the results
4. I want to filter these German results out
5. I try to change the Search Mode drop down from Internet to Local and all the results disappear (lost forever, unless I waste another of my limited internet searches)
6. -German does nothing, nor does ^(?!.*German) which I saw used to filter out something else, which I changed to German
7. I went to Options > Filters > RAR Archives > Subject Reject > Enable > type German > Click Add > Click OK. I search again and German still shows up in the results.

Should I modify my initial Internet search to include a reg ex expression to filter this out? Sorry if this has been brought up before, I looked around and did not find anything.

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Re: How to Filter Out keyword for Internet Search Results

Postby Quade » Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:25 pm

There's basically 2 different filter mechanism depending on whether you're doing headers or doing search. For internet search "-word" will filter out the word. If you're using filter profiles, the word you want to filter out goes into the "reject" list. So, you might have "ubuntu" and "linux" in filter accept and then "german" in filter reject.

I'm not completely clear if we're on the same wavelength as to what search constitutes what.
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Re: How to Filter Out keyword for Internet Search Results

Postby Spartacus12 » Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:40 pm

Thanks for the quick response. That worked, doing an Internet Search for ubuntu linux -german. That returned results void of the word German in the Subject line.

Is it possible to do this negative sign (-) filtering POST-Internet search, in case I want to remove other words instead of German from the search results or do I need to do a new search with the new negative (-) filter in the search box?

I am thinking maybe I need to read up a little more on FILTERS instead as they sound more powerful and kind of made for this purpose. I do not understand why they did not work using the steps I described above. More study is required.

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