low space error

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low space error

Postby newsraider » Fri May 31, 2013 1:50 pm

i keep getting a low space error even though i have plenty of space. it had been running great for a while until this popped up.

i did a search and saw someone else had this problem also. i moved the data folder but still get the same error. i didnt know if there would be something different i should try on linux?

is there a folder i should try to clear?
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Re: low space error

Postby Quade » Fri May 31, 2013 2:35 pm

What version are you using? 6.42 and newer the space error automatically clears when free space opens up. That's because windows occasionally lies about how much free space a disk has.

If you look at the status bar at the bottom, how much free space is it showing?
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Re: low space error

Postby newsraider » Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:32 am

yes im using 6.42 dang windows! :lol:


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i always forget which one is the free space so i just uploaded the pic.

the way i have it setup is with newsbin on my main ssd and i have it download the files to another hd. my ssd has 50 gigs open and my sata 2nd drive has 650gigs open.

anyway we can make newsbin fly blind? :D no checks of the remaining space.
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Re: low space error

Postby Quade » Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:59 am

I see one that says "63 MB". That's pretty much out of space. Pretty sure that's the data folder. 6th one in from the left.
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Re: low space error

Postby newsraider » Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:26 pm

i got it figured out 8)

looks like when wine software updated it messed up the drive mapping. i forgot it updated a few days back.

open terminal - winecfg

go to drives and then select the letter z. browse to your hdd you want to save the files too. should fix it.
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