My experiance with Newsbin

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My experiance with Newsbin

Postby nzb0neo » Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:01 pm

I did buy Newsbin 3 weeks ago after using Alt.binZ for the last 6 years.
(In the old day's i already used Newsbin, than couple of years Grabit Pro, and after that Alt.BinZ. I'm into Usenet from about 1998.)
My main reason to switch to Newsbin is not that i was unhappy about Alt.binZ (still love that program.) but the frequent updates/bug-fixes and lifetime key pulled me over the line.

After 3 weeks i must say i still have problems adapting to Newsbin.
Sorting and customizing the windows is a bit tricky as its not always doing what i want. (docking hovering ect.)
Generally i like a simple layout and in the background a lot of advanced settings.
So in one blink you can see the download speed, how many lines you are using, remaining time, errors ect.
But i must say noting really jumps out in Newsbin, its all flat/uninspired and nothing really catches the eye.
A good start would be bigger icons on the tool-bar and a big speed meter in the right top corner. Stuff like that will make me a happy camper.
Haven't use the filter system yet as i only use NZB's and i like to control myself what files are not downloaded.

As for features i made a quick list for what could be added.
specially in the "server" part where you add the servers

When i add an news-server i would like to be able to enable or disable the server.
Reason is i have some free servers that normally are not always working probably.
(Yes i can set the priority lower but still those servers get used sometimes without my permission.)

I have a payed subscription server that has 1000+ days file lifetime, but also my Internet provider has a Usenet server but with only 30 days.
My cable connection is 60mbt, but my payed Usenet subscription gives me 50mbit over 30 lines. Now i want to use my Internet providers Usenet server for the last 10mbit that i have left on my line.
But as it has files for only 30 days i get littered with errors when i download an older file.
So i would like to request a option to add the file lifetime of a Usenet server when adding a Usenet server.
To be sure that older files are not downloaded with this server.
Also when downloading the headers newsbin does if from all the servers in the list.? Problems occur that on one server the group did exist and the other not. Witch gave errors again. (Or can this be disabled?)

Also i would like that every item i download in my download folder is put into a sub-directory. (Generated on NZB/post name.)
Not sure if this is already implemented but i haven't found it yet.

An auto shutdown pc button would be nice on the tool bar, so that with one-click the pc shuts down when the downloads are complete. (Or even an planner?.)
I also miss an RSS reader like many other Usenet programs have. Would be cool to browse/look at some RSS feeds with the newest releases during downloading.
(maybe a small windows next to the download or search list.? that refreshes every 5 seconds to a new rss feed.?)

And because i'm using the beta versions a "version check" button would be nice on the tool-bar so that i can see if i still have the newest beta running.

Files that are downloaded before are now removed to the failure list, can you not auto pause those files in the download list (and give them a bright color) instead of removing them to the failed list.?
That would be more user friendly i think.

Hope you folks can do something with the info i provided.

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Re: My experiance with Newsbin

Postby Quade » Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:03 pm

When i add an news-server i would like to be able to enable or disable the server.
Reason is i have some free servers that normally are not always working probably.
(Yes i can set the priority lower but still those servers get used sometimes without my permission.)

Just disable it. In the server options, it's the "Enable Server" checkbox.

I have a payed subscription server that has 1000+ days file lifetime, but also my Internet provider has a Usenet server but with only 30 days.
My cable connection is 60mbt, but my payed Usenet subscription gives me 50mbit over 30 lines. Now i want to use my Internet providers Usenet server for the last 10mbit that i have left on my line.
But as it has files for only 30 days i get littered with errors when i download an older file.
So i would like to request a option to add the file lifetime of a Usenet server when adding a Usenet server.
To be sure that older files are not downloaded with this server.
Also when downloading the headers newsbin does if from all the servers in the list.? Problems occur that on one server the group did exist and the other not. Witch gave errors again. (Or can this be disabled?)

You can do this in 6.42. I haven't hooked it back up in the beta, the priority stuff moved a bunch of code around. It's called "typical retention".

Also i would like that every item i download in my download folder is put into a sub-directory. (Generated on NZB/post name.)
Not sure if this is already implemented but i haven't found it yet.

Yeah, you can do this too. Hit the change button on the download path setting and add "$(NZBFILE)" to the path. It'll download to a path named for the NZB. You can also download to one path and unrar to another.

An auto shutdown pc button would be nice on the tool bar, so that with one-click the pc shuts down when the downloads are complete. (Or even an planner?.)

You can tell it to shut down when complete. It's in the advanced options. I can think about putting it on the toolbar. Seems dangerous.

Files that are downloaded before are now removed to the failure list, can you not auto pause those files in the download list (and give them a bright color) instead of removing them to the failed list.?
That would be more user friendly i think.
Hope you folks can do something with the info i provided.

I like moving them to the failed list to get them out of the way. You can just move them back if you want to force them to re-download. I get what you're saying. You want to manually delete them from the list but, I'm not keen on the idea. I'm not sure most of the other users want that. I am considering it for encrypted files though. Or at least making it optional for encrypted files.

Feedback is good.
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Re: My experiance with Newsbin

Postby Quade » Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:52 am

Thinking about some of the GUI comments. I think the issue really is that header download people and NZB download people are looking for different behavior. Like the pause failure in place. That makes sense for large files. Don't think it does if I'm downloading 1000's of pictures.

I'm moving towards a different look for post 6.50 release. Dex and I have been talking about it. Maybe a different GUI flavor depending on how you download.
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Re: My experiance with Newsbin

Postby nzb0neo » Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:25 am

Quade wrote:
Just disable it. In the server options, it's the "Enable Server" checkbox.

You can do this in 6.42. I haven't hooked it back up in the beta, the priority stuff moved a bunch of code around. It's called "typical retention".

Yeah, you can do this too. Hit the change button on the download path setting and add "$(NZBFILE)" to the path. It'll download to a path named for the NZB. You can also download to one path and unrar to another.

You can tell it to shut down when complete. It's in the advanced options. I can think about putting it on the toolbar. Seems dangerous.

I like moving them to the failed list to get them out of the way. You can just move them back if you want to force them to re-download. I get what you're saying. You want to manually delete them from the list but, I'm not keen on the idea. I'm not sure most of the other users want that. I am considering it for encrypted files though. Or at least making it optional for encrypted files.

Thanks for your explanation Quade.
Indeed i'm a NZB user, not sure how things are overseas but over here all is NZB the last years.
Old fashion header/post browsing is becoming a novelty.
But on the other hand the NZB growth gives opportunity to apeal to a large group that also could make the switch to Newsbin.
Maybe a "NZB Mode" (or "Lite Mode") for Newsbin would me something to think about.?
You enable that option and Newsbin will give a different GUI and disabling unnecessary functions not used for NZB downloading. (witch will also free resources/memory ect.)

How i could mis the enable/disable box for the servers i don't know, must have been very late when i was looking for it...

I'm running 6.5b12 build 2874 so thats why i didn't find it the lifetime option, a simple box in the server tab would be a user friendly fix.

I will add the $(NZBFILE)" to the download path. (hopefully a more user friendly check-box will be implemented at some point.)

The auto shutdown button i used on a regular basis. Let say i'm downloading 3x 1080 movies, late in the evening and want to got to bed.
I than simply push that button and can go to bed, as when the downloads are complete the laptop/pc will auto power down.
If you have worry's that its not better added by default, you could implement it as a customizable tool bar option.

And i think you are right about the differences in header/NZB people. I prefer everything in one window, so that i don't need to be searching/browsing to other tabs to restore files or delete them.
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