{SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

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{SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby kenr » Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:36 am

OK got latest beta running under wine, everything works but the unrar part.
[12:30:55] ERROR AutoPARPlugin: Autopar Block Counts Indicate good files but, UnRAR FAILED: No UnRAR: Pasta - The xxxx.part5.rar

Now I have unrar installed in Linux and under wine (I installed winrar) so where is this error coming from? None of the files are unrared.
Last edited by kenr on Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:42 am

Newsbin doesn't use an external unrar program. It does the unrar internally.

Will the files unrar if you manually unrar them? If you were on windows, I'd suggest running quickpar and seeing if the files are any good.
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Re: UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby kenr » Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:46 am

Yep I can just right click on the rar and select "Extract Here" and they are fine. This has happened on all the files I have tried in past couple of days. NB I don't normally use NB to download the files, but these were small ones (<50Mb) so I thought I would just use NB rather than pass them to Sabnzd to process.
QP checkes the rars out as fine, but NB is downloading ALL the par's as well.

This is the error message if it means anything to you.
Code: Select all
[12:52:42]  ERROR AutoPARPlugin: UnRAR failed: CE04D83C329FB773DE8732B0E7884605
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Re: UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:58 am

Don't know then. I typically download and unrar stuff like that. Are you sure the unrar path is correct?

What version are you using?
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Re: UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby kenr » Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:16 am

No unrar path is set. Wonder if that is what is wrong? I though it would unrar to same folder?
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Re: UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:21 am

Should unrar to the same folder then. Maybe it's some linuxy issue.
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Re: UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby kenr » Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:25 am

I'm sure it used to work, but been a while since I used it to actually download anything.
Might install an older version and see if I have same issues.
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Re: UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby kenr » Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:43 am

OK setting an unrar path fixes it. WIthout one it gives the error message, with one it extracts it fine (I used default folder/{DATE}).
Can uninstall winrar now :)
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Re: UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:52 am

Let me try that here.
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Re: UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby kenr » Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:54 am

MIght be a Linux issue, which is why I posted it here rather than in the beta thread.
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Re: {SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:59 pm

I removed my unrar path from the NBI and did some single rar downloads. They unrared so, I'm not clear what's up this second.
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Re: {SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby kenr » Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:08 pm

These were multipart but that shouldn't have made any difference.
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Re: {SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby chibbard » Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:31 pm

Hmm, 6.50 B3 on Mint 15 (64-Bit) upgraded as I was having a bug where it would reload a bunch fo NZBs on restart. Running under wine (of course), 64-bit Win install. All looks and runs great except the unrar. Par seems to be working, but as far as I can tell it isn't capable of launching the un-rar for some reason. All files tested have been complete and I can un-rar them externally. Something missing in my wine prefix maybe?
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Re: {SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby Bill_M » Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:22 pm

I just upgraded to 6.51B4 on my Linux system and I'm getting this same error. Was never a problem for any previous version going back some time. Files unrar fine using the linux app.

Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see where this was solved in the message traffic.

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Re: {SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby Quade » Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:26 pm

It's all built in. If I had to guess, I'd guess it's a permissions problem in the unrar folder.
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Re: {SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby Bill_M » Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:09 pm

Sounds reasonable. I've checked the obvious folders. Does Newsbin perhaps unrar to another directory (like a temp directory) then move the file to the unrar directory in options. Or maybe it creates an temp file. Funny how this would suddenly crop up after working in a lot of versions prior to 6.50.

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Re: {SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby Quade » Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:00 am

If it's unraring to the same folder as the download, it gens a temp folder right under the unrar folder, then moves the files into place. If it unrars to a different folder, the temp folder depends on whether there are already files in the folder with the same name. If there are, it'll gen a temp folder in the destination and unrar to there.

Funny how this would suddenly crop up after working in a lot of versions prior to 6.50.

I test in windows. I've tested under android (which is basically Linux but, it's Newsbin compiled to run under Linux in android). In both cases, it works. I don't test under Wine nor am I likely to. I don't know how you'd trouble-shoot this under Wine. If it was windows, I'd suggest you run Procmon and watch all the file IO so, you can see where it messes up.

I like that you can run this under Linux, I'm happy to make suggestions and I'm willing to make changes if you find issues but, the trouble-shooting is on you. Find out how to log FileIO, Log FileIO and then tell me what you see going wrong when it unrars.

If other people can make it work under wine then I'd say the problem is your wine version or your setup.
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Re: {SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby DThor » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:32 am

To my knowledge, everything running under wine only read/writes to the wine disk structure. Unless you gone out of your way to set up links elsewhere, and you did a straight ahead installation without fiddling about or doing something "custom", permissions shouldn't be the issue. The problem I've found over the years is that Linux users, especially new ones (I'm not suggesting that's you, though), seem to do some of the most spectacularly WTF actions when using it, such as installing a wine bottle to root and wondering why they have grief running as a user. It's not their fault, it's typically just baggage from other OS's, but my advice is always to keep it simple, and just because Linux let's you do something, doesn't mean you should. The biggest single piece of advice I can give is: run as a user, only run as root when you have to (such as installing a software package).

The cool thing about wine is, it lives in one place. Rename it, start another one, it takes less than a minute to do a 'windows' install. You can always slip back to the first install whenever you want.

All of this aside, it's possible you've found an issue with the rar code Quade is using (he's using/tweaking someone else's code, in the case of rar), but yeah, first thing to do is vette your wine install.

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Re: {SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby Bill_M » Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:55 pm

Understand it is likely to be something in my system. Just looking for hints on where to look. I have to admit it has worked very well up to now. And my installation is probably a little unusual. Thanks for the input.

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Re: {SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby Bill_M » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:34 am

Don't know if this should have been obvious but I just changed the unrar folder to another folder instead of the same folder I use for downloads and suddenly it is working. Probably something not set when I upgraded. I should have known it was something simple.

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Re: {SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby Quade » Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:05 am

That's good to hear. Perhaps there is a problem generating a temporary folder under Wine.
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Re: {SOLVED} UNRAR Failed even though winrar installed

Postby newsraider » Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:06 pm

Bill_M wrote:Don't know if this should have been obvious but I just changed the unrar folder to another folder instead of the same folder I use for downloads and suddenly it is working. Probably something not set when I upgraded. I should have known it was something simple.


thanks for figuring this out bill :) i did a clean install of 6.51 and it wouldnt unrar anything. tried your idea and it has unrared a few now.
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