First day user moving over from Newsleecher

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First day user moving over from Newsleecher

Postby deloppoled » Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:21 am


I've been using Newsleecher for quite a while and was fairly satisfied with the software, in fact I left due to their billing department, not the software itself. Before NL I used a number of other readers, probably tried Newsbin sometime between accessing Usenet to actually message with others via Telnet or accessing it via Gopher--I am very old!

The main reasons that I have chosen Newsbin are longevity and search capability. I've spent the better part of the evening playing around with Newsbin and am sure that I've made the proper choice, albeit a little later than I probably should have--right right no bashing NL, sorry!

I just have a question about searching in Newsbin. I am sure that it works and that I am probably doing something wrong so I thought that I'd ask.

The following is an example NL search term that I used to use and I am wondering if it is possible to translate that to Newsbin? The search is about 300 characters long.

Code: Links not allowed for unregistered users
. -"00-" -"00_" -"000_" -2012 -2013 -2014 -"01-" -"6581.nfo" -ps3 -xbox -wii -1080p -720p -osx -hdtv -psp -android -pda -comic -PDTV -linux -HDTV -NTSC -DVDR -danish -french -russian -spanish -japanese -german -webrip -xxx -"[ ANIME ]" -"[ MOVIE ]" -"[ MUSIC ]" -"[ TV ]" -"x264" -dvdrip -"instant.pda" -ebook -"emag.nfo" -"ke.nfo" -"int3nsity.nfo" -"noy.nfo" -"remastered" -"debt.nfo" -"vinyl" -"-6581" -".apple." poster:"Profess0r" maxdays:4

Looks crazy, I know but like I said, it did get me exactly what I was looking for. I've done some editing to make it more Newsbin(y) syntax and trimmed it down to the following, but still have Newsbin telling me there are no results--

Code: Links not allowed for unregistered users
* -"00-" -"00_" -"000_" -2012 -2013 -2014 -"01-" -"6581.nfo" -ps3 -xbox -wii -1080p -720p -osx -hdtv -psp -android -pda -comic -PDTV -linux -HDTV -NTSC -DVDR -danish -french -russian -spanish -japanese -german -webrip -xxx -"[ ANIME ]" -"[ MOVIE ]" -"[ MUSIC ]" -"[ TV ]" -x264 -dvdrip -instant.pda -ebook -emag.nfo -ke.nfo -int3nsity.nfo -noy.nfo -remastered -debt.nfo -vinyl -"-6581" -".apple."

Thinking that size might matter, I cut it down to the following 448 characters but still no search results--

Code: Links not allowed for unregistered users
* -"00-" -"00_" -"000_" -2012 -2013 -2014 -"01-" -"6581.nfo" -ps3 -xbox -wii -1080p -720p -osx -hdtv -psp -android -pda -comic -PDTV -linux -HDTV -NTSC -DVDR -danish -french -russian -spanish -japanese -german -webrip -xxx -"[ ANIME ]" -"[ MOVIE ]"

Is there anything that stands out as incorrect in my final search syntax that anyone may be able to see as wrong? I have checked the help page and I think that it conforms to the proper syntax unless there is a length limit that I am still exceeding?

Thanks to everyone that took the time to read my post, I do appreciate it! Thanks even more to anyone that can perhaps shed some light on where I am going wrong!
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Re: First day user moving over from Newsleecher

Postby Quade » Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:54 am

I'll have to get Dex in on this. He did the search front end. All the dashes mean "not" in Newsbin search so, you're filtering all these things out.
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Re: First day user moving over from Newsleecher

Postby deloppoled » Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:43 pm

OK thank you!

Yes, the dashes are filtering out the stuff that I don't want.
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Re: First day user moving over from Newsleecher

Postby Quade » Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:09 am

Dex should be around in the morning. We're on eastern time.
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Re: First day user moving over from Newsleecher

Postby dexter » Mon Jan 06, 2014 1:09 am

I know why you are using quotes, to embed spaces in the string, but the parser doesn't support embedded quotes like that. I could look into that in the future but to make your search string work you'll need to remove the quotes and embedded spaces.

Try this:

Code: Select all
* -00- -00_ -000_ -2012 -2013 -2014 -01- -6581.nfo -ps3 -xbox -wii -1080p -720p -osx -hdtv -psp -android -pda -comic -PDTV -linux -HDTV -NTSC -DVDR -danish -french -russian -spanish -japanese -german -webrip -xxx -[ANIME] -[MOVIE]

It doesn't seem to return very much though so it may need some tweaking.
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Re: First day user moving over from Newsleecher

Postby deloppoled » Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:20 am

Thank you very much for helping me out there dexter, that is much appreciated!

As far as the blank space, no worries what-so-ever. You've got me pointed in the exact place that I needed to be.

Thanks again and BTW excellent job on the search functionality! I'm pretty giddy about Newsbin including the searching, you guys have really done a fantastic job on this software!
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Re: First day user moving over from Newsleecher

Postby dexter » Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:14 am

deloppoled wrote:Thank you very much for helping me out there dexter, that is much appreciated!

As far as the blank space, no worries what-so-ever. You've got me pointed in the exact place that I needed to be.

Thanks again and BTW excellent job on the search functionality! I'm pretty giddy about Newsbin including the searching, you guys have really done a fantastic job on this software!

Cool! We aim to please :D
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