Changing the SSL Port from 563 to 463

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Changing the SSL Port from 563 to 463

Postby 1Gopher » Sun Apr 27, 2014 6:47 am

Hi Guys in Usenet Explorer I was able to change the SSL port.
is there a way to change the port in Newsbin Pro? The install defaults to 563 but for speed issues my preferred port is 463.

So can I change the port allocation from within the program! if so where Please as I have had a pretty good look and can see nothing obvious.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Changing the SSL Port from 563 to 463

Postby Quade » Sun Apr 27, 2014 9:50 am

In Newsbin 6.51 and all the 6's, in the main server options page. It's called "Set SSL Port".
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Re: Changing the SSL Port from 563 to 463

Postby 1Gopher » Sun Apr 27, 2014 8:45 pm

Thanks I eventually the server options and sorted the problem
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