an Alt.Binz and SABnzdb user wanting an actual newsreader

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an Alt.Binz and SABnzdb user wanting an actual newsreader

Postby dabrown » Tue May 06, 2014 6:09 am

Hi everyone

So I am an nzb head, and while I used to be big into nntp back in the 90's these days it's binary downloads (like most many people).

I've really wanted an actual newsreader/posting program for a long time, but never found anything I liked.

I'm really hoping that Newsbin Pro is good at both typical reading individual posts, searching groups and maybe actually posting something again.

My apologies if this stuff is really basic or maybe I should have been able to determine that from the website, but you know what, I actually haven't.

And I know this is reprehensible, but I haven't actually installed the trial version yet

I've always read good things, but if I add Newsbin Pro to my collection of Usenet tools I, the reading/posting/searching side of thing is the primary reason for me.

I have other tools which work really well for nzbs - but maybe I can be convinced to use Newsbin for that as well Image link not allowed for unregistered users Image link not allowed for unregistered users

Thanks in advance.

Best regards, Darren Brown
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue May 06, 2014 4:09 am

Re: an Alt.Binz and SABnzdb user wanting an actual newsreade

Postby Quade » Tue May 06, 2014 8:21 am

For full on news reader, I'd probably look into Xnews. It's old but free and is a real reader.

For a binary browser with built in search, I'd give Newsbin a trial. You can sign up for a 15 day trial key that gives you 100% functionality. It's better than the standard 10 day trial period which has limited search.
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Re: an Alt.Binz and SABnzdb user wanting an actual newsreade

Postby dabrown » Tue May 06, 2014 11:47 am

Thanks Quade, I appreciate the tip on Xnews.

But I'm also looking for something with ongoing development.

I think if I do end up buying Newsbin I'll have the ultimate collection of tools, along with my other binary downloaders and QuickPar etc.

Newsbin Pro always get the absolute top rating as a News binary downloader on the various usenet sites, which is always encouraging.

I've got a copy of Grab It as well, but it's not that nice to use.

I think the best bet is to install the trial and decide from there. Thanks again for your help.

Cheers, Darren
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue May 06, 2014 4:09 am

Re: an Alt.Binz and SABnzdb user wanting an actual newsreade

Postby Quade » Tue May 06, 2014 1:34 pm

If you're going to actually read the groups, you'll need something like XNews. It doesn't really matter if it's under active devel because text Usenet is about as old as the internet and for reading the groups, nothing has changed in 15 years.

Binaries are another story. I was just expanding the scope of the spam filter to catch more of these clever spammers posting bogus, but real looking files.
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