Quade wrote:The number of retries determines when Newsbin gives up, assembles and repairs. The default is two retries. It won't do it unless 90% of the file is available.
Quade wrote:6.60 is more aggressive but still Newsbin won't assemble them if they're really in bad shape (though I'm reconsidering that).
Quade wrote:Yeah, you can only manually assemble them from the download list.
Quade wrote:Dex and I are discussing removing the failed list altogether and just leaving the failed files in the download list until you manually assemble or dispose of them.
Quade wrote:If you leave autopar repair turned on, they'll assemble and repair automatically...as soon as it has enough blocks.
Not always; too often I've found that I can manually assemble and repair with MultiPar (what NZB seems to think is unrepairable.)
Quade wrote:Turn on aggressive assembly mode and uncheck "Pause Pars"
Methinks something in Newsbin isn't exactly as it should be. In case it matters, I'm running 6.72.4776-64 under Wine-64.
Quade wrote:Sounds to me like you're getting partial downloads because Newsbin is failing it for non-download related reasons.
Quade wrote:Might be worth disabling the duplicate detector...
I've also realized that sometimes Newsbin indicates files to be complete on the server, but after downloading they have missing chunks, and when several are missing they fail. I'm going to try another binary downloader to see if it can download without errors. Also, over the weekend I'll try to get a friend to log in to my server and see what happens; he's running Newsbin under Windows-7-64.
"Download-Bypass" none of the par2 files (under the "+") are downloaded, so I have to go back and expand the "+" and select them and download.
Quade wrote:"Download-Bypass" none of the par2 files (under the "+") are downloaded, so I have to go back and expand the "+" and select them and download.
Uncheck "Pause Pars" in the autopar options. You might have to enable it to uncheck it.
Quade wrote:Might be time to wipe and re-install then.
Quade wrote:With a fresh install, I assume you have it set to pause PARS and with autopar enabled?
The pars need to be downloaded FIRST, before the rest of the files. This is with Newsbin 6.72.4776-64 on Wine-64 1.9.20 on Xubuntu 16.04-64.
Quade wrote:Still sounds like you're doing something odd like expanding the sets with the + button and adding the individual files instead of adding the entire compacted block.
Quade wrote:you should see that the small PAR2 is at the top of the set of files
Quade wrote:Is that small par failing to download?
Quade wrote:The only time it'll really fail a download is if the there are no PAR files.
Quade wrote:What I'd probably do is remove the failed list altogether so, they'll turn red but it'll be up to you to manage the failures. Then you'll be able to retry or assemble to your hearts content.
Could you also add an option to just automatically assemble after a configurable number of retries, and maybe instead of the filed tab have a failed files logfile? Seems that about half of the time Multipar is able to repair what Newsbin declares unrepairable.
repair what Newsbin declares unrepairable
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