6.55 clean install or upgrade going nowhere hair falling out

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6.55 clean install or upgrade going nowhere hair falling out

Postby newsraider » Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:18 am

i figure these days things out most the time but wow this really has me pulling my hair out. :x

i cant upgrade to 6.55 and i cant clean install it :x

says cannot install newsbin. is newsbin running? please close and retry.
something is preventing us from installing.

i even tried to do clean install. uninstalled wine removed all directories and still wouldnt go. upgrade wouldnt go either. :x

i saw someone had a similar problem so i went and edited the windows reg and still nothing.

what am i doing wrong here? :?
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Re: 6.55 clean install or upgrade going nowhere hair falling

Postby Quade » Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:56 am

Dex might not be around till Monday. This sounds like an installer issue. If it was me, I'd install on a windows box, then copy the Newsbin program files folder to a flash drive, then copy it back into place under wine. You might have to hook up the short cuts and first time around, tell Newsbin where the NBI file is. Easiest way to do that is to pass the NBI on the command line.

wine Newsbinbla.exe X:\BlaBka\something.nbi.
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Re: 6.55 clean install or upgrade going nowhere hair falling

Postby newsraider » Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:51 pm

wheres DEX!!!!! MY HAIR!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

i dont have any windows boxes in my home or that would probably work. im pretty pro at connecting the shortcuts and NBI file now. ill probably just go back to using a older version of newsbin unless i can figure this out. i am just kinda thinking for the future now. am i ever going to be be able to get a newer version of newsbin now? i know there probably not many linux users of newsbin out there and you guys gotta make it work for windows primarily. i can totally understand that but damn ive been using newsbin for 12 years now...have i come to the end of the road? :(
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Re: 6.55 clean install or upgrade going nowhere hair falling

Postby Quade » Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:08 pm

Do you have friends who run windows? Do the install at their house then copy the new Program Files to a memory stick to bring home.

I'll point Dex at this topic. He's back.
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Re: 6.55 clean install or upgrade going nowhere hair falling

Postby dexter » Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:02 am

I've made changes to the installer that must be incompatible with your setup. What's the last version of the installer that worked? I could dig up the IRC test version of 6.55 for you that does a straight unzip of the program files. I'll PM you a link.
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Re: 6.55 clean install or upgrade going nowhere hair falling

Postby newsraider » Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:29 pm

thanks dexter! the test version worked :)

my last version that i was able to install was 6.52 build 3289
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Re: 6.55 clean install or upgrade going nowhere hair falling

Postby Alex Atkin UK » Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:02 am

Does 6.60B4 use the new installer, as I had no issues upgrading on my system? (other than some path issues we already discussed which I have no idea what that was about)
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Re: 6.55 clean install or upgrade going nowhere hair falling

Postby Quade » Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:13 am

I'm not sure what installer B4 uses to be honest.
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Re: 6.55 clean install or upgrade going nowhere hair falling

Postby dexter » Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:30 pm

Well, it's not so "new" anymore. It's the same codebase as 6.53 installer. Maybe whatever was interfering on your system before is no longer interfering or something.
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