Disgruntled Newsleecher victim with a question:

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Disgruntled Newsleecher victim with a question:

Postby Dragon_Myst » Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:25 pm

Good afternoon, all.

I left Newsleecher because they were billing me twice a month and, when I contacted them about it, they "suddenly discovered" a billing expiry in my account. It's not worth all the legal hassle and having to deal with scumbag attorneys, so I'll chalk it up to a loss, and abandon Newsleecher, altogether. I'll also let everyone know, at every given available opportunity, that they are not to be trusted, and their service is virtually nonexistent.

My one con is that I have found an issue with RAR files disappearing from the download directory. I love the user interface, especially the ability to select a default download and unRAR directory, and have it stay... The one thing that I miss in NL, is the ability to create a download profile, and download to a custom directory (custom UNC path) and extract to a second custom directory (custom UNC path), and quickly select where to download and where to extract, based on what I am downloading, at that selection moment (ex: custom D/L-extract for music, custom D/L-extract for movies, custom D/L-extract for images, etc.).

Is there a way to achieve the above? It's not a deal breaker, but it is a nice feature and I hope that I'm simply overlooking something that is already built into the software. I have a fairly potent machine (though not what I'd like) that I built myself. I like the ability, however, to pause the download during extraction, programmatically (kudos on that feature!). I appreciate the forethought and effort you have put into the latest NbP! Well done!
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Re: Disgruntled Newsleecher victim with a question:

Postby Quade » Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:12 pm

My one con is that I have found an issue with RAR files disappearing from the download directory. I love the user interface, especially the ability to select a default download and unRAR directory, and have it stay... The one thing that I miss in NL, is the ability to create a download profile, and download to a custom directory (custom UNC path) and extract to a second custom directory (custom UNC path), and quickly select where to download and where to extract, based on what I am downloading, at that selection moment (ex: custom D/L-extract for music, custom D/L-extract for movies, custom D/L-extract for images, etc.).

How are you downloading? NZB Files, Search or Header downloads?
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Re: Disgruntled Newsleecher victim with a question:

Postby Dragon_Myst » Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:27 pm

Hello, Quade.

Apologies for having taken so long to respond. I've been rather distracted, of late.

I generally download directly from the search results. I have, however, downloaded a few NZB's. Ever since index search became more reliable, I don't even bother with header downloads, much, anymore.

- DM
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