How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

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How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Quade » Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:53 pm

Newsbin 6.60 will have full Sick Beard integration. The way this works is:

Preliminary Docs:

In Sickbeard options, you'll configure "NZB Search" to:

NZB Method : SabNZB
SABnzbd URL: http://localhost:8000/
SABnzbd Username: Red
SABnzbd Password: Blue
SABnzbd API Key

If you set a username and password in Newsbin's Sickbeard Integration, you'll have to set them here.

In Newsbin, in the new SickBeard Integration options

Username: Red
Password: Blue

You set the same password (or none) that you did in SickBeard. TCP Port will default to 8000. This port needs to match the port you defined in SickBeard.

SB PostProcess Options: http://localhost:8081/

You need the address and port that Sickbeard is listening on. This the default. You can see the correct one listed in the web page you normally use to access SickBeard.

In the UnRAR path options, specify where you want Newsbin to unrar the files. You SHOULD use $(NZBFILE) on the end of this path. SB will delete the left over folder automatically.

I use :

Because I run SB remotely and the files need to end up on the same PC as SB. The one thing you should keep in mind is that SB doesn't seem to like the files landing inside the folders it manages so, if SB is managing C:\DL\, you don't want the UnRAR folder to be set inside this path. Something like C:\Staging\ would be a better destination.

The way this works then:

1 - Sickbeard finds an NZB for you.
2 - Sickbeard contacts Newsbin and tells it where to download the NZB.
3 - Newsbin retrieves the NZB, then downloads the mentioned files.
4 - When this download finished unrarring, Newsbin will contact SickBeard and tell it the path and NZB Filename of the file.
5 - Sickbeard grabs the file, renames and/or copies the file into the path defined in SB.

6.60 is going to be in early beta hopefully this week.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Eurisko » Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:54 pm

Worked like a champ!
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Quade » Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:30 pm


It's not in B1 but, I got it working with CouchPotato too. Took a couple changes. Should work with SickRage too. It's a fork of Sickbeard.

Thanks for the feedback.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Eurisko » Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:02 pm

What would be really amazing is if we could leverage the newsbin search system in Sickbeard's search system instead of the ones built into it.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby dexter » Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:09 pm

Eurisko wrote:What would be really amazing is if we could leverage the newsbin search system in Sickbeard's search system instead of the ones built into it.

Hmm, Quade and I were just talking about that...
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Quade » Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:22 pm

What would be really amazing is if we could leverage the newsbin search system in Sickbeard's search system instead of the ones built into it.

I have a bit of a working prototype. Dex and I are trying to decide what to do with it.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Eurisko » Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:06 pm

Quade wrote:
What would be really amazing is if we could leverage the newsbin search system in Sickbeard's search system instead of the ones built into it.

I have a bit of a working prototype. Dex and I are trying to decide what to do with it.

The obvious answer is to let me test it out. :D
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Quade » Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:45 am

If it was really ready. We'd turn it on. The prototype isn't production ready by any means. I proved that it was possible. Not the other 90% of the work needs to be done.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby dougm1 » Sat Jan 24, 2015 3:20 pm

First thing: I upgraded to 6.60B2 and chose not to modify my tool bar. I don't see a SickBeard Integration option anywhere, even in the customization menus.

The real issue:
I set up a test rig with SB+SABnzbd+CP; it works "okay", but I am a diehard Newsbin user. I just can can't get Newsbin to integrate with SB. Newsbin throws a socket error and "actively rejected connection" from SB no matter what combination of ports I try (not using pw or usernames, and it's not a firewall issue). I have SB listening on port 8085. With SB set to NZB Method : SabNZB authenticates on port 8085 when I test the connection, but that's SB's own listening port. Isn't SB just authenticating a com link to itself? Doesn't Newsbin need it's own listing port to facilitate two-way communication with SB? If so, what Newsbin's port?

I appreciate that we're dealing with a beta release here (6.60B2), but I do have couple of other questions about SickBeard integration, funtionality, where the parameters are set.

1) Can I configure the system (Newsbin+SB) to use my own personal nzb indexer (local nZEDb) or other third party indices or must I use a the subscription NZB index service that you offer?
2) Will Newsbin need/have its own API generator?
3) You mentioned in the setup "prelim doc" at the top of the comment queue "In Newsbin, in the new SickBeard Integration options". Just where are the " SickBeard Integration options"? Is that the new label for the "Enable Remote NZB Integration" option window? DO I need to enable Remote Control as well?
4) Under Options>Remote NZB Source Settings> It says "If you configured remote download for http://... Where are the remote download configuration settings this is referring to?

Thanks and keep up the good work!
Last edited by dougm1 on Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Quade » Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:09 pm

1 - Newsbin doesn't care where the NZB's come from. If your search server can feed SB then and SB can tell Newsbin how to download the NZB (it sends the full URL to Newsbin), Newsbin can retrieve and download the NZB.

You need to split the different modules up in your head so, you can keep track of who does what.

1 - SB talks to the "cloud" and finds out about NZB's. It doesn't matter if this is a local server or remote.

2 - SB connects to Newsbin on the port you spec in the SB options and in the Newsbin Remote NZB options. Newsbin is pretending to be Sab. It listens for the same format commands as SAB. SB connections and tells Newsbin where to download the NZB from.

3 - Newsbin does the download.

4 - Newsbin connects to SB and tells it the download path and NZB Filename.

So, Newsbin listens for SB to tell it where to find the NZB and then Newsbin connects to SB to tells it that the file downloaded. Newsbin has no knowledge about what's being downloaded. In this mode its just a download server for SB. That's all "integration" is at this point.

If you "test" the connection to "sab" (newsbin) in the SB setup it will show you a successful test.

Look in the options remote NZB options.
1 - TCP Post is the port Newsbin is listening on for commands from SB.
2 - UnRAR folder is the folder Newsbin will unrar the files to.
3 - Remote Address is the address and port of SB is listening on. You can see it from the web interface into SB.

1) Can I configure the system (Newsbin+SB) to use my own personal nzb indexer (local nZEDb) or other third party indices or must I use a the subscription NZB index service that you offer?
2) Will Newsbin need/have its own API generator?
3) You mentioned in the setup "prelim doc" at the top of the comment queue "In Newsbin, in the new SickBeard Integration options". Just where are the " SickBeard Integration options"? Is that the new label for the "Enable Remote NZB Integration" option window? DO I need to enable Remote Control as well?
4) Under Options>Remote NZB Source Settings> It says "If you configured remote download for http://... Where are the remote download configuration settings this is referring to?

1 - Newsbin doesn't care where the NZB's come from. So yes.

2 - What for?

3 - I renamed them but, that's them.

4 - It relates to you SB install. SB has an internal web server you access through the browser on a specific port. You need to tell Newsbin the IP and Port SB is listening on. Maybe I'll add a test button.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby dougm1 » Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:59 pm

Got it. Thanks.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby vspazv » Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:55 pm

Can we get an option for download location for this in addition to unrar location? Using this instead of the NZB watch folders method I end up with the nfo and sample files in random folders.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Quade » Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:26 pm

I was wondering whether that might be needed. I'll write myself note to look into it.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby syshog » Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:22 pm

Sometimes the sfv files too are in random folders as well.
xeon system with 128GB+ of ram and a lot of storage. I don't update my sig much.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Quade » Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:27 pm

If the SFV's are mentioned in the PARS then they should move with the output files. If they aren't they probably won't.

Adding download path is on my todo list. I'l think some more about it.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Lee Thompson » Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:02 pm

Is this going to support all the forks? (Sickchill, Sickrage, Medusa, etc.)
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Quade » Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:02 pm

Newsbin just supports the SAB API. As long as they think they're talking to SAB it should work with any version. I might have to update it from time to time but the SAB interface seems pretty stable. I just implemented a relatively new SAB function in B11.

Sickbeard itself is kinda primitive compared to Sonarr. Sonarr actually asks Newsbin for completion of download state and picks the files up based on the path Newsbin tells Sonarr. Sickbeard used to expect a callback. I don't really know what it needs now. I primarily track Sonarr.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Lee Thompson » Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:32 am

Sonarr is much better at communicating with the downloader. Sick* usually relies on a script plugin at the downloader side to communicate back and I have never gotten it to work properly.
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Re: How SickBeard integration will work in 6.60.

Postby Quade » Fri Jun 18, 2021 12:18 pm

Newsbin supports posting back to the "sicks" but as you point out, it's a kinda crappy way to do things .
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