Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

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Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby Quade » Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:18 pm

Several people have reported problems where they load a post list, they see the data and then it disappears when it's finished loading. We didn't really have a handle on the cause until just now. A user supplied an NBI that showed the issue and I was able to re-produce it.

It requires a code fix to fix for real but there's a simple work around.

1 - Selection "Options" from the menu
2 - Select "Settings".
3 - Click OK.
4 - Hit the second toolbar button to save the NBI.
5 - Restart Newsbin.

The problem was caused by a missing value in the NBI. Following this process will seed the missing value into the NBI.
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby JesseKnows » Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:16 am

Possibly related and not resolved with the suggested workaround:
I run a search in the Search tab and I see a screenfull of the results. When I click on one of the entries it changes to point to another of the search results.
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby Quade » Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:08 am

This sounds like a repaint issue. What happens if you sort on date for instance, does it correct itself?

What OS is this?
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby JesseKnows » Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:36 am

Windows 7 SP1.
Whether the tab is sorted by Subject or by Date, the issue is seen after performing a search..
If, after the search I click on a heading to force a sort, subsequent clicks on items do not show the issue.
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby TBlack » Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:44 pm

6.61RC1 on Win7 SP1 32-Bit

Having the same issue!

This is with the Search String still visible in the Field

Perform a Search using Subject/Poster Field and Local. Select one of the items in the resulting list and the Subject Entry changes as well as the other Fields for that entry, i.e. Poster, Group, Date, all change to something else. This is repeatable if one starts the Search over with the same parameters and selects the same entry again. You can select other entries in the list and they change as well.

As reported above, if one clicks on any Column Header in the displayed Search List to force a Sort (i.e. Sort on Date either way), then the list stays as is and does not change anywhere, in any column, when a Search Entry is selected.

Removing the Search String from the Field

Removing the Search String by clicking on the Radioactive Button seems to fix the issue as well. After removing the Search Entry, one can then select one of the resulting entries in the list and nothing changes.

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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby Quade » Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:25 pm

Seems unrelated to me. What you're describing sounds like a repaint issue which is distinct from "posts not showing up at all".

I'll see if my install does it. You could probably work around it by changing the size filters.
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Re: Changing Search Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby TBlack » Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:48 pm

I agree the title may not be as descriptive as it could be for this issue, but the steps and results are the same. That's why I added my comments to hopefully clarify the steps to help recreate the issue. I noticed this issue before in 6.6x, but never reported it. :(

Quade wrote:You could probably work around it by changing the size filters.

I don't run any size Filters any where in NB, so don't believe this can help me. I only do Subject and Filename and MessageID and UnRar.

My best recollection is this is a 6.6x issue. 6.5x and prior did not do this. Believe you had the Display hood open in 6.6x. We discussed other issues relative to the Post Lists and colors back in the early days of 6.6. Wonder if they might be linked since you suspect a Display Refresh issue. There is something going on or something is in Limbo until the user either sorts one of Columns or removes the Search String.

It's the main Search Function when NB first opens with no other Group Post Lists open. Search within an open Group seems fine.

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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby Quade » Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:32 pm

I don't run any size Filters any where in NB, so don't believe this can help me. I only do Subject and Filename and MessageID and UnRar.

Applying and then removing a size filter forces a repaint. You could probably get the same thing by clicking the clear find button. Second from the left.

Removing the Search String by clicking on the Radioactive Button seems to fix the issue as well. After removing the Search Entry, one can then select one of the resulting entries in the list and nothing changes.

You're forcing a repaint when you do this.
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby TBlack » Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:57 pm

Ok, sounds like a repaint issue as you stated. Is there a repaint function or command missing after the Search Result is completed and displayed in the results list? Sounds like if the repaint was accomplished by NB, then the user would not have to force it in some way and/or the ways we have indicated.

Thanks for the feedback.
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby JesseKnows » Sat Sep 05, 2015 8:34 am

Another way to reach a stable state is to minimize and restore the application.
Repaint does seem to be the issue.
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby Quade » Sat Sep 05, 2015 12:48 pm

Yeah, it's on my list to look at it. Are you guys using XP? In Vista+ Newsbin is using double-buffering. I wonder if that messes up. repaint sometimes.
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby TBlack » Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:13 pm

I'm running Win7 SP1

TBlack wrote:It's the main Search Function when NB first opens with no other Group Post Lists open. Search within an open Group seems fine.

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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby JesseKnows » Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:57 am

Another possible repaint issue: I was renaming a file in the File List, and after I pressed Enter to complete the operation the file name was changed (as seen in a Windows Explorer window) but the file list entry still showed the old name. I scrolled the list briefly and the new name appeared.

BTW, I'm still missing the Windows shortcuts in the file rename context: F2 to rename; Ctrl-C/Ctrl-X/Ctrl-V to manipulate the text of the name.
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Re: Refresh Issue 6.61RC1

Postby TBlack » Tue Sep 15, 2015 6:38 pm

Might be another refresh issue...

Update a Group with latest Posts.

1. A Post is showing partial completion of some value, call it PostA.Rar, on the Subject Line
2. Update the same Group again while that same Group Post List is still on the screen
3. A new Post on a new line appears that shows PostA.R07 on the Subject Line
4. Item 3 stays there no matter what, even with subsequent Post Updates for that Group.
5. Close the Group and re-open the Group and the listings then merge under PostA.Rar and PostA.R07 disappears.

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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby TBlack » Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:14 pm

JesseKnows wrote:Possibly related and not resolved with the suggested workaround:
I run a search in the Search tab and I see a screenfull of the results. When I click on one of the entries it changes to point to another of the search results.

Still occurring in 6.61RC2. Running Win7SP1.

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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby TBlack » Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:56 pm

JesseKnows wrote:Another possible repaint issue: I was renaming a file in the File List, and after I pressed Enter to complete the operation the file name was changed (as seen in a Windows Explorer window) but the file list entry still showed the old name. I scrolled the list briefly and the new name appeared.

There is still an issue in 6.61RC3.

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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby portagest » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:09 am

I have just uploaded 6.62 and get exactly this problem: I right click on a newsgroup in which I had a lot of downloaded headers; then I click "Show Posts" the screen displays the list for less than a second and then goes blank. The suggested workaround does not help.
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby Quade » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:27 am

1 - First thing I'd try is load a group then disable the filters. It's the power looking button. First button from the right.

2 - If that doesn't work, I'd clear out the "Global" filter.

3 - Check to make sure "Hide Old" isn't showing.
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby portagest » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:21 pm

I tried all these steps but still have the problem.
I tried downloading latest headers for the group and that displayed correctly, but only with the latest headers. If I then go to show headers, the display disappears.
If I click on show all files in the toolbar the files show for a split second on a green background then disappear leaving a greyish background.
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby Quade » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:59 pm

Don't know then. Clearly something is filtering them out. They load and then when the filters are applied, they're not visible anymore.

What's your storage age set to?
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby portagest » Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:34 pm

That was it. Storage age was set to zero.
Thank you for all your help.
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby Zen_Rebel » Tue Dec 22, 2015 8:10 am

I'm on 6.62 b 4358. I'm having this same issue where downloaded post don't show. I don't use any filters and it doesn't happen every time i download. I don't dare use the Delete Stored Posts or the Purge to display age buttons as i'm afraid of having to download all the posts for that group again (5 billion of them) but not being able to retreive the last day's worth of headers is anoying. Any suggestions ? Thanks
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby Quade » Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:51 am

Down at the bottom where is says:

"Cache: X/y (N)"

What are the numbers? In particular what is "N"?
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby Zen_Rebel » Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:53 pm

it says 200/200 (0)

In older versions, all the headers would show up after a delay of....maybe 2 seconds after download ended. Now they show up in several stages as though they revealed 1000 headers at a still is fast but works differently (maybe thats normal with last versions of nb). Anyway, thought i'd mention it.
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby Quade » Wed Dec 23, 2015 4:35 pm

It depends on how old you mean. It downloads headers and sticks them into files on disk which are then imported. It's after import that they're displayed in the post listing.

If you're seeing some but not all, it suggests something is filtering the old ones out. The original topic here, nothing showed up or rather they showed up then vanished.

Have you checked your storage age?
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby redsoxfan » Tue Jun 07, 2016 6:59 pm

Not sure if this is related or not. I started downloading files, the downloading would finish, but when I would go to the file, there would be nothing there. The filename was there, but no content. I discovered that, if I deleted the file list (by only hitting the 'Delete' key), it was erasing the files. Previous versions did not do this. You could erase the file by hitting <Ctrl><Del>, but hitting only <Del> only erased the entry from the file list. I downloaded a small file to verify this. I insured that the file was, indeed, complete, and then deleted the file list, and the files were gone. Most upsetting. I've lost a lot of content because of this.
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Re: Vanishing Posts issues in 6.60/6.61

Postby Quade » Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:04 pm

Yeah. It's on my "to fix" list. Right-Click "Clear" still works properly/
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