is the back reference supported?

Tips on writing regular expressions for searching the post list

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is the back reference supported?

Postby varfick » Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:38 am

I'm trying to filter out some spam generally having a long cryptic filename string repeated twice in the subject.
The pattern like
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^(\w{0,4}\d{6}\w{9})\[\d{1,3}/\d{1,3}\] - "\1\.(rar|zip)" yEnc$
does not work, returning all the posts instead of just matches.
Probably, I use a wrong syntax for back reference (\1) but I did not find exactly which flavor of regexp is used in NB.
Can anyone help?

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Re: is the back reference supported?

Postby Quade » Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:54 am

The one gotcha is that you can't use spaces. Spaces have special meaning. If you intend to match on spaces use \s or [ ]

Spaces act like "and". I'd try it with all the spaces compressed out and then tell me if it works for you.
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Re: is the back reference supported?

Postby varfick » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:28 pm

Quade wrote:The one gotcha is that you can't use spaces. Spaces have special meaning. If you intend to match on spaces use \s or [ ]

Spaces act like "and". I'd try it with all the spaces compressed out and then tell me if it works for you.

Oops! I completely forgot about those ANDy spaces =)
In the filter window for
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I get "test text accepted - will be included" even if I put "garbage" as the tested string.
If I change spaces to either \s or [ ] in the search field I get "Invalid search string".

My NB is version 6.62(b4358).
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Re: is the back reference supported?

Postby Quade » Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:13 pm

I can't tell what you're trying to match from the RE so, my suggestion is to take the RE apart and try it one section at a time. Typically I test them by pulling up a list of posts and using the search entry at the top of the list.

- Putting the $ on the end means even a space after the "yEnc" will make it not match.

- The quotes probably need to be escaped.

Does it work if you just paste the RE in both places? I mean try it without a back reference.
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Re: is the back reference supported?

Postby varfick » Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:11 am

I've done that. Both parts match just OK without anchors and the back reference in the second part being replaced the whole first piece (\w{0,4}\d{6}\w{9}).
The idea is to have the pattern
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match the second string, but not the first with these two, for example:
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(NordicAlbino)[04/10] - "SWH6929002tuSeommSE.rar" yEnc
SWH6929002tuSeommSE[04/10] - "SWH6929002tuSeommSE.rar" yEnc

I also debugged the regex in RegexBuddy (std::regex, VC++2015, case insensitive), it works. That's why I asked which regex flavor you use in NB...
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Re: is the back reference supported?

Postby Quade » Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:48 am

SWH6929002tuSeommSE[04/10] - "SWH6929002tuSeommSE.rar" yEnc



These worked in the RE tester but Newsbin doesn't like these RE's for some reason.

I'll have to check it deeper once Newsbin is building again.


It's good up to here but then when I add \1 to the end it fails to compile.

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Re: is the back reference supported?

Postby varfick » Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:02 pm

Gotcha! You use PCRE with numbered capture groups disabled! =))
The modified expression with a named capture group and a reference by name
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does the trick. The case is closed.
Thanks for you help and an excellent product!

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Re: is the back reference supported?

Postby Quade » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:56 pm

As far as I can tell, it's not disabled in Newsbin. That's why I have to look at it more.
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