Ex Usenext user here

This is the place for people switching to Newsbin from other newsreaders, or for people evaluating Newsbin who are already experienced Usenet users. If your old newsreader had a feature you liked that Newsbin doesn't, tell us about it.
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Ex Usenext user here

Postby Joker3327 » Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:16 pm

Hi guys after another price hike and DL cut I've left Usenext after nearly 6 years.... ( and realised how much I've been overpaying )

Over the last couple of days I have managed to find my way around finding how most things work.....

I have just a couple of questions....

1. I have a set of groups in Usenext that are my go to groups.... can I import a file that lists them or do I need to add them individually...

2. is there a way of finding a file name other than just the hash no from the search... ( liking the search by the way ) but occasionally I would like to browse !!

Thanks in advance for your help....
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:59 pm

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