N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

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N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby BZee » Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:05 am

I haven't used search in Newsbin for awhile but I started a new project and will use search extensively. As the subject shows I found that downloading to a folder named for the search item is no longer working. I tried v6.72RC1 and v6.71 with the same results. Version 6.70 does download correctly. If you need me to narrow down to when it changed, I can install some intermediate versions. I realize there will be no change made until beta testing resumes.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby Quade » Sat Sep 10, 2016 10:00 am

1 - I added $(SEARCH) to my current download path. The main download path.

2 - I added something to the download list from Search and I see it in the download path.

3 - I watch the download and the downloads are going to the new path.

Couple observations

- Per group pathing still applies to search so if you have a path set for the group it'll over-ride the main download path.

- Download and UnRAR path aren't the same so, if you have an unrar path set and the files are the type that gets repaired or unrared, you might need to look at the unrar path. For example you might want to set the unrar path to use "$(SEARCH)" and not the download path.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby BZee » Sun Sep 11, 2016 6:48 am

Per group pathing (and individual group pathing) is the same as the main download path: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\. No unrar path. Posts are individual JPGs.

v6.70 which works for me is set to the same data folder (and thus the same .nbi) as the ones that don't work. Since yours works (I assume you use v6.72) I'll do some more testing as I get time. Would appreciate any other suggestions to try.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby Quade » Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:30 am

Per group pathing (and individual group pathing) is the same as the main download path: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\. No unrar path. Posts are individual JPGs.

- You know the JPGs that are in search are only there by accident.

- You didn't say but it sounds like you're using local search and not internet. I tested internet search.

What search are you using? Local or Internet?

You might want to revert to 6.70 for now.

I'll give local search a try.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby BZee » Mon Sep 12, 2016 6:18 am

Local. I use internet search so seldom that I didn't even think about needing to specify the type of search.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby BZee » Thu Sep 15, 2016 9:40 am

I went back to 6.70 but I can't use it because of the problem it has with RARs



I'll reinstall 6.70RC1. I believe it works with both $(SEARCH) and RARs
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby Quade » Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:32 pm

from the search tab, I just tried a local search with my download path set to :


After I searched for a particular cartoon. I then added a file to the download list and see it listed as downloading to.,


Then I looked on disk and see the files landing in that folder.

I don't have an unrar path set so, the file unrared into that folder.

So at this point I'm not sure what you're seeing.

You should be able to follow the download step by step.

1 - Search
2 - Add and check the download path.
3 - After the first PAR downloads, look at properties for the download and check the unrar path listed.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby BZee » Fri Sep 16, 2016 6:43 am

Thanks for testing. I'll try again in a few days to see what I have set wrong/different.

Quade wrote:So at this point I'm not sure what you're seeing.

You should be able to follow the download step by step.

1 - Search
2 - Add and check the download path.
3 - After the first PAR downloads, look at properties for the download and check the unrar path listed.

No PARs - just individual JPGs (some single part, some multi-part)
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby Quade » Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:29 am

Yeah, only the download path should apply and nothing should then move. The per-group download path might apply too. That's why you need to look at the path in the download list to make sure it's using the correct path. I wonder if you're using a search string that's complex enough it can't be turned into a path?

The Image DB isn't for everyone but every JPG I download goes into the image DB and it includes the subject in the listing. Then from the image DB I can export into the folders I want. It's just another option if you'd like to carry the subject along with the file.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby BZee » Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:20 am

Search terms are simply names (like Chevy or Ford :wink: ).
I may try the image db again sometime. I have used ACDSee [for descript.ion] for many years because I do need the subject along with the picture as Img0043 or DSC00003432 by itself isn't helpful. I do sort the pictures into multiple folders not only by name but by other characteristics also and I need the subject to follow the copy of the picture.

I may have time tomorrow to try to find what I have set different between working (6.70) and not working (6.72). It is something not set through the .nbi as I use the same .nbi and data folder for both (not at the same time!).
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby Quade » Sat Sep 17, 2016 8:48 am

Yeah, I just need you to characterize it and point me in the right direction.

I actually have an image viewer that works with image DB files so, I can export my files to individual DB's instead of to folders. I like keeping related files together. SFE files are better than CBR and CBZ files because they permit true random access. CBR and CBZ files are just rar and ZIP files which have to be search sequentially.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby BZee » Mon Sep 19, 2016 6:12 am

Newsbin v6.72 and Newsbin 6.70RC1.

1) Both versions installed and using the same data folder and .nbi file (the .nbi filename passed via the shortcut for each version).
2) In options "Main Download Folder" set to N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ and UnRAR Folder is blank.
3) Group and GOG download and unRAR paths cleared - Group and GOG download paths still show N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ as set via options.
4) Search settings: Subject field; Local (what is Local Profile?); Search in "Best" (one of my GOGs); Min Size, Max Size, Age, and Filter Profile not set; Display Setting = None
5) All posts JPGs - no PARs are available.

Newsbin v6.72: search for Akira, select several and right-click "Download - Bypass Filters". Downloading Files tab shows "Download Path:" = N:\Temp1\. Files do go to "N:\Temp1"

Close Newsbin v6.72 and double-click shortcut for Newsbin v6.70RC1

Newsbin v6.70RC1: search for Akira, select several and right-click "Download - Bypass Filters". Downloading Files tab shows "Download Path:" = N:\Temp1\Akira\. Files go to "N:\Temp1\Akira"

Would there be any problems with running both Newsbin versions at the same time (no downloading or changing of options while both are open). I want to display each version on a different monitor so I can compare each tab of options/settings without trying to remember what the other version showed.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby Quade » Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:38 am

What happens if you don't "bypass filters"?

Just add them normally.

I'll try "bypass" here.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby BZee » Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:00 am

Same results with just "Download". I can't find a difference in my settings between 6.72 and 6.70RC1. I don't use search often and if needed I can work around this problem with download to existing (new) folder so it's not worth wasting any more of your (or my) time on this. Thanks for looking.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby Quade » Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:33 am

Would be nice if I could reproduce it. You aren't clearing the search string or searching for other things before adding to download are you?
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby BZee » Fri Sep 23, 2016 6:14 am

No. Just the workflow I outlined above.

Are you testing with v6.72 or some future version that may have had the problem corrected via some other change.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby chiphead » Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:28 am

I can concur that same issue with pathing isn't working with local searches in 6.72. Internet search works as expected.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby Quade » Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:03 am

Ok thanks. Due to this and a couple other minor issues, Dex and I are looking into putting out a 6.73.

It'll be an RC initially. Not sure when yet. Maybe before the end of the week.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby BZee » Wed Oct 05, 2016 6:30 am

Quade wrote:Ok thanks. Due to this and a couple other minor issues, Dex and I are looking into putting out a 6.73.

It'll be an RC initially. Not sure when yet. Maybe before the end of the week.

Is this still planned. I'll be using search extensively and it would be nice to use an up-to-date version rather than a beta for v6.70
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby Quade » Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:05 am

Just working on it yesterday...
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby BZee » Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:49 am

I installed v6.73b1, did one search, and selected some of the results for download - the downloads went to the folder specified by the search. I'll be doing more extensive searches soon but don't anticipate any problems. Thank you.
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Re: N:\Temp1\$(SEARCH)\ downloads to N:\Temp1

Postby Quade » Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:50 am

That's good to hear. Thanks for the report.
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