Filter Questions

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Filter Questions

Postby ppan » Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:15 pm

1. I have a filter profile "RAR Archives" (it may have been pre-configured?)
Accept if - Subject Contains - [.]rar
Accept if - Subject Contains - [.]par

However, after I apply the filter, also *.jpg files show up!?

2. In the Display Settings drop-down box, how can "Filename" show the filename? I thought that the file had to be downloaded first?

3. In the Display Settings drop-down box, does "None" show Subject+Filename or only Subject (which may contain the filename)?
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Re: Filter Questions

Postby Quade » Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:16 pm

- "Show Filenames" is best effort. It tries to extract the filename from the subject. It doesn't always work.

- Subject Filters just say "if this matches display it". If you have a JPG that mentions a PAR ("First.part.jpg" for example) then it'll probably get let through. It's possible you're not actually applying the filter too.

You can probably tweek the filters to make them more specific. for example "[.]par[\"] to require a quote after the PAR part.
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Re: Filter Questions

Postby Quade » Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:24 pm

The files had names line *.part1.jpg.

You know, there are fake RAR files out there. For whatever reason they use JPG instead of RAR. If you look at the size it's pretty easy to tell if these are really JPG or rar files.

I answered your question "best effort..." None means it just shows the subject. The filename shown with "show filenames" might or might not be the real filename. The filename in the subject doesn't have to match the real filename and some files are posted with the assumption that the PAR will be used to rename them (Newsbin does the rename as part of repair).
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Re: Filter Questions

Postby ppan » Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:26 pm

Yes, you were right. The file names were *.part.jpg.
I guess that all PAR files are now PAR2, so it would be better to have [.]par2 (instead of [.]par)

I don't think that you answered #3:
3. In the Display Settings drop-down box, does "None" show Subject+Filename or only Subject (which may contain the filename)?
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