Accept / Reject filter

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Accept / Reject filter

Postby rahnbo » Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:21 am

Can I set up filter profiles so that I have something like "4k" rejected but not "64k?" If I put a reject if subject contains "4k" but accept if subject contains "64k" then everything with "64k" is rejected. I can see why that would be problematic just wondering if I can do it?
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Re: Accept / Reject filter

Postby Quade » Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:57 pm

Couple things you could do. You could make the accept filter more specific for example.

"[0-9]{2}k" - requires 2 numbers before the k.
"[0-9]{2,3}k" - requires 2 and up to 3 numbers before the k.

You could make the reject filter more specific. If "4k" always has a space on either side then

"\s4K\s" would match a " 4k " with a space on each side.

It uses regular expressions so, you can even use "look around". To only reject or match of specific things are around the "4k".
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Re: Accept / Reject filter

Postby rahnbo » Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:48 pm

Beautiful. Will experiment with each.
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