Priority between servers

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Priority between servers

Postby meBigGuy » Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:52 pm

I'm using 6.7 on Win7 pro 64X. I just updated to 6.72, so maybe some of this was fixed.

I have a complicated configuration that I don't know how to configure, and a couple issues about how newsbin works on my current config.

I have astraweb with a 2nd block server for fills (call it ServerB).

Astraweb is actually 2 servers, the US and the EU servers. But, they count total connections across the 2 services (I think). So I'm limited to 20 connections between the 2 servers. I don't see a way to allocate 20 connections across 2 servers. I could do 10 each, but that slows my primary connection. I only want to go to EU if the article is not on the US server.

So, currently I just configure Astraweb US as priority 1 and ServerB as priority 10 and don't use Astraweb.EU.

Issue 1: There is an issue when a connection fails to Astraweb (connection failure, not missing article) you go to ServerB. But, the article is on Astraweb and should have been retrieved from Astraweb. It seems you should only go to Astraweb when you actually get a "failed 430 no such Article" not for "FailedDNS", "Unable to Connect", or "502 Too Many Connections", etc.

Issue 2: I see lots of "502 Too Many Connections" from Astraweb even though I have set my connections to 15 (20 allowed). You work closely with them Do you know what the issue is with that?

Issue 3. On 6.72 I am seeing server timeouts and DNS errors that I never saw on the previous version. Could be a coincidence.
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Re: Priority between servers

Postby Quade » Thu Oct 06, 2016 1:09 am

How fast is your internet connection?

Once I know that, I can offer more advice.
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Re: Priority between servers

Postby meBigGuy » Thu Oct 06, 2016 11:36 pm

usually tops out at around 90Mb.
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Re: Priority between servers

Postby Quade » Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:26 am

Ok 90 Mbps (bits/sec not Bytes/sec) should be pretty easily attained with 10 connections total to the servers. If I was you I'd set the two AW's to the same priority and just use say 7 connections to each then setup your block at priority 2. This will also give two chances to get the block before it hits your block server.

You don't need to use the EU server but it often has blocks that are missing from the US server and visa-versa.

For Issue 3:

You have another problem though with your connection dropping out. It's hard to say what the cause of that might be. AW is prone to connection drops. Once I switched to a different server (I'd been using AW and Giga together) my connection drops pretty much went away. I think their SSL servers have a hard time keeping up.

Your connection drops are likely causing the 502 errors because all news server take an inordinate amount of time to notice a disconnect and free the connection back up for use. Since you're not running max connections, this suggests your connection drop outs are worse than mine were.

Do you download headers or use our search and/or NZB Files?
Last edited by Quade on Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Spelling
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Re: Priority between servers

Postby meBigGuy » Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:15 am

I'm doing this with nzb files.
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