Auto-assemble incompletes?

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Auto-assemble incompletes?

Postby enchant » Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:30 am

I see this happen a few times a week. Newsbin will be trying to download a show, but it's halted. All of the rars will be complete except for one, and the status will show 89/85 blocks complete. It'll also show that 40 blocks of par files are complete. If I right click on that incomplete rar and select "assemble incompletes", it will soon start the repair and unrar the file successfully.

Is there some way that I can tell Newsbin to automatically assemble incompletes? Is it waiting for more to come?
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Re: Auto-assemble incompletes?

Postby Quade » Tue Dec 13, 2016 11:44 am

How many retries do you have set? Typically that gates the automatic assembly of incompletes.
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Re: Auto-assemble incompletes?

Postby enchant » Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:02 pm

Max retries is set to 2.
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