Slower speed with 6.72 vs 6.56

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Slower speed with 6.72 vs 6.56

Postby unfor54k3n » Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:02 pm

Hi everyone! I have been looking around for answers but have not found any that helped fix this issue. I have been using Newsbin for sometime now and its an awesome product but I have not been able to upgrade beyond 6.56 the last version which runs fast for me. I decided to give the latest release a try since in the past it was still not going as fast as 6.56 was. It turns out that it still does not go nearly as fast as before so I decided it was time to make a post asking for help.

Same downloads, same newgroups, same ISP, both VPN on and off and yet theres a major difference in the download speeds between the newer versions and the older one. I am running and downloading on samsung pro ssd's so the I/O read/write shouldnt be an issue.

Using the newer version post 6.56 of newsbin including the latest 6.72 I only get about 13-16Mbps versus the older 6.56 which gives me a steady 30+ Mbps with VPN on and the same goes with VPN off except higher up the scale with 6.72 at 25-30 Mbps and 6.56 at 50+ Mbps.

I have turned off firewalls, added both newsbin and the download directories to not be scanned and more but it seems like nothing i do helps bring back the speed I had with 6.56 versus the newer versions. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Slower speed with 6.72 vs 6.56

Postby Quade » Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:21 pm

Last person with a problem like this, it was his security software that slowed the download. He uninstalled it, rebooted tried some downloads and doubled his download speed. If you can't achieve you connection speed then something is purposely slowing it down. This applies to files downloads.

Keep in mind that header downloads appear faster in older versions but in fact the speed is the same. It's just reported differently.
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