what is the number in ( ) in cache: ?

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what is the number in ( ) in cache: ?

Postby confusednewb » Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:31 am

I'm guessing it's tied to the spammers or something. Apologies - couldn't find the answer in newbie section or FAQ. I see cache: 200/200 (xx) with the xx just getting bigger each time I open newsbin. It used to get smaller...are those uncached blocks? if so, I'm going to have to find a way to flush them.

One of my machines has (22). The other has gone from (15) to (33) just today. Both are decent machines, i7s, 12-16 Gb memory.

What's my best solution? I can't even get the headers to post, so I can set my filter - since I can't see the headers to know who to filter out.

thanks, and sorry to bother.
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Re: what is the number in ( ) in cache: ?

Postby Quade » Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:14 pm

The number represents the number of header blocks that are awaiting import into the header DB.

Yes there are spammers in the groups right not that are causing import to be slow.


Discussion here about how to mitigate the spam.
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Re: what is the number in ( ) in cache: ?

Postby confusednewb » Fri Jan 27, 2017 5:06 pm

wow - ok - I'll go to the discussion. have been following. finally got some to load by only loading a day of posts.

again, will take it to the discussion - but I'm seeing totally random strings - not sure what I'd even filter by.

thanks. I'm off.
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