Filtering out header downloads.

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Re: Filtering out header downloads.

Postby pjcamp » Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:32 pm

Quade wrote:"\[[0-9a-f]{10}\] \\[0-9a-f]{10}\\::[0-9a-f]{14}\.[0-9a-f]{30}\.[0-9a-f]{8}::/[0-9a-f]{12}/ \[([0-9a-f]{10}|newzNZB)\]"

Seems to be the best one with a "subject reject". If you group is already contaminated, you might need to set this filter and then purge the group and re-download headers.

Thanks. I'll try it. I never would have figured that one out.

For a few weeks, I've been stuck in a situation where display headers gets to a certain point and then slows to a crawl and then craps out altogether. I hope this fixes it.
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Re: Filtering out header downloads.

Postby vspazv » Thu Feb 16, 2017 11:35 pm

For what it's worth this is the subject filter I use:

Code: Select all

It catches anything with \::(any number of non whitespace characters)::/ in it since those seem to be pretty unique to the spammer.
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Re: Filtering out header downloads.

Postby Quade » Fri Feb 17, 2017 10:12 am

For a few weeks, I've been stuck in a situation where display headers gets to a certain point and then slows to a crawl and then craps out altogether. I hope this fixes it.

Well, you're probably going to need to re-download headers after you apply the filter.
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Re: Filtering out header downloads.

Postby pjcamp » Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:47 pm

Quade wrote:
For a few weeks, I've been stuck in a situation where display headers gets to a certain point and then slows to a crawl and then craps out altogether. I hope this fixes it.

Well, you're probably going to need to re-download headers after you apply the filter.

I know. I'm on, like, my fourth time doing that so far. Hopefully this time works. Thanks for all the help!
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Re: Filtering out header downloads.

Postby darkfalz » Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:23 pm

Quade wrote:"\[[0-9a-f]{10}\] \\[0-9a-f]{10}\\::[0-9a-f]{14}\.[0-9a-f]{30}\.[0-9a-f]{8}::/[0-9a-f]{12}/ \[([0-9a-f]{10}|newzNZB)\]"

Seems to be the best one with a "subject reject". If you group is already contaminated, you might need to set this filter and then purge the group and re-download headers.

I used this is exactly copy and pasted as a subject reject filter header (without quotes, obviousy), deleted and redownloaded headers, and all the [PRiVATE] crap is still there... sheesh. Wasted a whole day downloading headers. If I apply the filter to the group, it is still there too.
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Re: Filtering out header downloads.

Postby darkfalz » Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:33 pm

vspazv wrote:For what it's worth this is the subject filter I use:

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It catches anything with \::(any number of non whitespace characters)::/ in it since those seem to be pretty unique to the spammer.

This one worked okay, also added newsNZB.

Does "locking out" a poster automatically delete all their posts? Or is it just a filter?
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Re: Filtering out header downloads.

Postby dexter » Sun Feb 19, 2017 1:50 pm

darkfalz wrote:Does "locking out" a poster automatically delete all their posts? Or is it just a filter?

Lockout poster is just a filter. It does not delete their posts. To do that, you can right click on one of the posts and select "Delete All Posts by Poster". This can take a really really really long time if you have a bunch of spam posts in your database. Might want to do it before you are going to be away from the computer for awhile.
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Re: Filtering out header downloads.

Postby pjcamp » Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:09 pm


Quade's suggestion beat down the number of headers to the point that they would at least display so I could see who the culprit was. So thanks for that.

However, once having added him to my filter, the filtering was way too aggressive and filtered everything. My guess is most posts in the group are captured by the number filters in what Quade suggested. So I took that filter out and now all seems to be well.

For future reference, if anyone else is having to filter blind like me, the filters I am using are in the subject \[PRiVATE\] and \[newzNZB\]. In the poster, nEwZ\[NZB\] and [email protected]. Private was the biggest problem.

Also per Quade's instructions, select you group from the list and look on the menu Groups/Properties. Enter your filter there to exclude the posts entirely.
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Re: Filtering out header downloads.

Postby johnisme » Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:06 pm

When i lockout a poster the headers disappear as well.
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Re: Filtering out header downloads.

Postby dexter » Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:20 am

johnisme wrote:When i lockout a poster the headers disappear as well.

Right, they will disappear from the display but they are still in the database. If you want to also clean them out of your header database, you can right-click on one of the filtered posts and select "Delete All Posts by Poster".
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