Recovering Download History & Failed File History

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Recovering Download History & Failed File History

Postby DougGuy » Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:10 am

I don't use NB to download headers, and I don't have any subscribed groups, basically I use it to go fetch an archive via .nzb files.

If I needed to copy the files list and failed files list into a fresh install of NB Pro on a different linux machine, so that it is updated on what has been downloaded, is this possible? Where would the files be located and which files would store this data?

Another reason for this, I recently had a crash and the drive is unbootable, it lost quite a few gigabytes of downloaded files. if I can recover the NB Pro files history off of the drive, I would like to be able to take this data file to a new NB Pro install, then open up the files list and use it to go download these same files again. This would basically be a record of what files were lost in the crash so that I could replace them.
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Re: Recovering Download History & Failed File History

Postby dexter » Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:15 am

Basically all that stuff is in the Newsbin Data Folder in .db3 database files. There is a procedure written up for backing up Newsbin and its data files here
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