Exceded 500 searches but I have the unlimited plan?

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Exceded 500 searches but I have the unlimited plan?

Postby Bobsen » Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:25 am

I am getting an error message about exceeding my 'free' 500 search limit, but I pay for unlimited searches via PayPal every six months. The search feature has been giving errors recently as well (timing out or giving an error about about not connecting), If I use a .nzb from any other site all works well. I checked my PayPal account and the billing info is correct and the account is shown as active. I normally just let it auto pay and have had no problems up until now. I am using version 6,72 (newest build) and hook up via giganews.

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Re: Exceded 500 searches but I have the unlimited plan?

Postby Quade » Sat Mar 25, 2017 8:52 pm

Email TS at Newsbin.com. Dex will look into it. Typically this means you're using the wrong key or that Newsbin needs to be re-registered.
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