Still having issues with speed limiter?

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Still having issues with speed limiter?

Postby essential » Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:22 pm

I've been having the same issue with speed limiter with newsbin since I bought the program in 2013, it has never worked.

It reverts to full speed within a minute of turning it on. There are older posts I've searched and read about this issue. There seem to be some work arounds that say you need to limit it below 20Mbps for it to work ... but for me at any speed it reverts. I do not have the time-out on, but I've tried that as well and it doesn't help. I'm currently on 6.73 build 4821.

I've also read that one solution is to limit your connections, but sometimes I want full speed and sometimes I wanted limited speed, and the speed limiter button is a quick and easy way to accomplish that, instead of editing my configuration each time depending on the speed I want.

Is there a reason or fix for this that anyone is aware of?

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Re: Still having issues with speed limiter?

Postby Quade » Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:44 pm

It reverts to full speed within a minute of turning it on. There are older posts I've searched and read about this issue. There seem to be some work arounds that say you need to limit it below 20Mbps for it to work ... but for me at any speed it reverts. I do not have the time-out on, but I've tried that as well and it doesn't help. I'm currently on 6.73 build 4821.

Is it really reverting as in is it disabling itself or is it still on but still getting full speed?

How many total connections are you using?
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Re: Still having issues with speed limiter?

Postby itimpi » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:53 am

Have you checked that you do not have the scheduler enabled? That can cause the symptoms described.
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Re: Still having issues with speed limiter?

Postby essential » Fri Apr 28, 2017 11:56 am

itimpi wrote:Have you checked that you do not have the scheduler enabled? That can cause the symptoms described.

I was using 8 connections and you're right, scheduler was on. I thought the option under "network" labeled "use speed limit time-out: full speed after" was the scheduler, I didn't realize it was it's own section further down the options list. I guess this is on by default and I never realized what it was and that it was on. Speed limited has been working since disabling it.

Thank you very much!
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Re: Still having issues with speed limiter?

Postby Quade » Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:53 pm

You can enable it by mis-clicking on the toolbar too.
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