Server enable / disable

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Server enable / disable

Postby NeverSimple » Sat May 06, 2017 3:56 pm

I'm having trouble enabling and disabling servers

If I am downloading something, then go to the 'servers' tab on the bottom of the screen and disable an active server by clicking on the icon just in front of the server name (it's a green padlock with ssl servers or a blue check with non-ssl servers), the icon turns red and in the 'active/disable' column it says 'disabled'. But nothing seems to happen, the download continues as if nothing happened. Even If I disable all my servers the download still continues.
If I then go to the menubar and choose 'Options' > 'Servers...' , the deactivated servers also show deactivated status there. If I close that window by clicking 'OK', the download suddenly stops but only after I clicked on a server first, just opening the window and clicking 'OK' seems to do nothing. Enabling servers is the same process, just the other way around.

Something funny going on or is there something I don't understand?

Version 6.73 build 4821 on Windows 10 Pro 1703 (the 'creators' update). I think this behaviour was already present before the update to 1703.
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Re: Server enable / disable

Postby Quade » Sat May 06, 2017 6:36 pm

Try disabling it from the server options window and see what happens.
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Re: Server enable / disable

Postby NeverSimple » Sun May 07, 2017 10:45 am

If I disable from the server options window, just disabling a server (removing the check: 'enable server') does nothing. Closing the window with OK triggers the action.
This is what kinda what I expected after the testing in the first post. It seems when enabling/disabling a server on the tab on the bottom of the screen, it waits for an 'OK' button that doesn't exists and therefore it doesn't work.
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Re: Server enable / disable

Postby Quade » Sun May 07, 2017 6:04 pm

Closing the window with OK triggers the action.

Yeah, that's to be expected. Selecting a different server should trigger it too. I'll verify if 6.80 disabling the servers from the server window (not options) disabled them properly.
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Re: Server enable / disable

Postby NeverSimple » Mon May 08, 2017 4:59 pm

I'll verify if 6.80 disabling the servers from the server window (not options) disabled them properly.

Thanks. I use the feature quite a lot and would like it if it worked from the server window (tab).
If you want me to test (a reasonably stable...) 6.80 version, let me know.
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