Astraweb version of Newsbin Pro

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Astraweb version of Newsbin Pro

Postby tld6008 » Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:23 pm

I am running Zorin 09 and have repeatedly tried to install the NewbinPro which is provided through Astraweb. I attempt to install the program using WINE but it stalls due to lack of "Internet Connectivity". I am connected to the internet but not according to this program. I have read several instances where Newsbin can be run using WINE but I can't get those results. The Astrweb support group can't figure it out.
Would really appreciate some assistance.

Last edited by tld6008 on Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Astraweb version of Newsbin Pro

Postby Quade » Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:58 pm

I'd try the current beta. It's better than the release.

You're more likely to get support for a newer version too.
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Re: Astraweb version of Newsbin Pro

Postby dexter » Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:12 pm

Your symptoms sound like a firewall blocking the installer so it can't download the executables. You could try downloading and installing the latest version this request a free key from this page.
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Re: Astraweb version of Newsbin Pro

Postby tld6008 » Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:11 pm

Quade, are you referring to a beta release of Newsbin?

dexter, I should have mentioned I did disable the firewall and try to set it up but got the same symptoms.
Thanks for the link to the key.

I was thinking it might be a problem with WINE or Zorin 09 needs to be upgraded. Hopefully its not a Zorin problem.

I'll let you know what happens

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Re: Astraweb version of Newsbin Pro

Postby tld6008 » Sun Jun 25, 2017 4:44 pm

I downloaded the latest version, turned off the firewall. Opened with WINE and received the message
"Internet connectivity is required for this installer to download the latest program executables"
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Re: Astraweb version of Newsbin Pro

Postby Quade » Sun Jun 25, 2017 6:19 pm

I downloaded the latest version, turned off the firewall. Opened with WINE and received the message
"Internet connectivity is required for this installer to download the latest program executables"

Sounds like a Wine problem then.

Zorin 09

Is there any particular reason you're sticking with 9 and no upgrading to 12.1?
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Re: Astraweb version of Newsbin Pro

Postby tld6008 » Mon Jun 26, 2017 11:19 am

I am all set up to upgrade to 12.1 and then got reading about it more and held off due to several comments about it being slow, bloated cumbersome etc. I will get the latest version of WINE try again then if that fails upgrade to 12 and see what happens. I had some issues getting 9 to work on a dual boot with windows 8.1.
I could always just load and run this in Windows but liked the idea of the the seemingly virus free environment of Linux.

Maybe a coincidence but I just loaded PLEX media server on the same computer and can't establish a connection with my ROKU streaming box which is in the same room.

Could this be an issue with my router settings?
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Re: Astraweb version of Newsbin Pro

Postby Quade » Mon Jun 26, 2017 1:01 pm

am all set up to upgrade to 12.1 and then got reading about it more and held off due to several comments about it being slow, bloated cumbersome etc.

I tried to install it on a spare laptop last night and it the USB stick wouldn't boot. If you get a chance you might want to give "Lubuntu" a try. It's what I use on most boxes. I basically have one windows box I do development and game on. Every other machine including the one in my Garage us running Lubuntu.

Sadly this is likely one of those "you're on your own" things. If the PC has 'net access, I'd think Newsbin and the installer would too.
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