downloading files with just a par

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downloading files with just a par

Postby danrobin » Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:19 am

I am having a problem downloading files that are single files mp3 files and they only have a par file with them. So what it does is d/l the files say 10 files it creates a folder for each file and puts a folder in that folder with the file in it. This is how I have my definitions setup D:\Downloads\$(LONGGROUP)\$(FILENAME)\ It has worked before but don't what the problem is now. I''m using Ver. 6.80B9 It was doing it on the last one as well. I should have put this in Beta group I'm sorry. I've tried adding $(SUBJECT) to to the end of the the path but that didn't help.Even if I d/l one file it does this. can you help me out? Thanks Oh one thing it will at the end create a folder and move all files into that folder but leave all the empty folders on the drive
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Re: downloading files with just a par

Postby Quade » Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:20 pm

If you're using PARS, which it sounds like. I'd probably remove "$(SUBJECT)" from the download path and instead add it to the unrar path.

When Newsbin does a repair check with the PAR file. It treats individual files covered by the PAR like it does the output of an unrar and moves them to the unrar folder.
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Re: downloading files with just a par

Postby danrobin » Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:56 pm

I tried that with no luck. If I just download one mp3 file it does the same thing putting it in two folders. Now if the files are rar format there is no problem. I don't know what is set wrong.
This is my main download folder D:\Downloads\$(LONGGROUP)\$(FILENAME)\ UnRAR folder is blank. With rar files it just does them in the groupname and all is good.
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Re: downloading files with just a par

Postby Quade » Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:48 pm

I'm skeptical that they're in two folders. Maybe what you're seeing is an artifact of the files list? After you try one of these, hit the refresh button on the files list to see if the second one goes away. It's the circle arrow button.
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Re: downloading files with just a par

Postby danrobin » Wed Oct 18, 2017 11:36 am

Well I can't find a refresh button. I'm lost on that one sorry. But this what the d/l looks like. Now there's no par file with these two files. even with a par it does this .
D:\Downloads\alt.binaries.mp3\georrgghhmp3 -1109011 'In My Life\<some shit>
D:\Downloads\alt.binaries.mp3\georrgghhmp3 -1109011 'Maya Love\<some more shit>
I just grabbed any two files to show you.
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Re: downloading files with just a par

Postby Quade » Fri Oct 20, 2017 5:12 am


You know when each filename is unique, each folder will be unique too right? You're telling it to include the filename as part of the folder name. If that's what you want then that's great but I don't think that's what you want. This is why two different files with two different filenames end up in two different folders.

If you're just downloading individual files, right click "Download to folder named for Subject" might be better than trying to use the path parameters. On the other hand if you download entire blocks of files including the PAR file, using "$(SUBJECT) in the unrar path will move them all to a folder named for the subject when they're checked and repaired. For and organizational stand point, I'd prefer to download blocks of files with pars like this so they all end up in the same folder.
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Re: downloading files with just a par

Postby danrobin » Thu Oct 26, 2017 2:13 pm

Well Doing the groups of files with a par does work. But It doesn't delete the empty folders. 3 or 4 par files and 10 mp3 files each mp3 file in it's own folder then when par does its thing they all go to one folder leaving 10 empty folders. What am I doing wrong ?
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Re: downloading files with just a par

Postby Quade » Thu Oct 26, 2017 2:27 pm

What am I doing wrong ?

You're telling Newsbin to stick them all into different folders. Which is what I suggested you stop doing.

How about setting the download path to


then set the unrar path to


and see how it works?
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Re: downloading files with just a par

Postby danrobin » Thu Oct 26, 2017 10:13 pm

Ok thanks I will give it a try,
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Re: downloading files with just a par

Postby danrobin » Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:14 pm

Well I set the main download folder to D:\Downloads\ And the Unrar Folder to D:\Downloads\$(LONGGROUP)\ So it made a folder like this altbiniaresmp3blablaname\blablaname\blabla.mp3

So I tried this Main Download folder D:\Downloads\$(LONGGROUP)\ Unrar folder D:\Downloads\$(LONGGROUP)\ it created a alt.binaries.mp3 folder and then created the blabla folder and it put all the mp3 files in that blabla folder and deleted the separate folders for each mp3 weird i guess. It also works fine with the rar files
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