Keeping the NZB folder from growing too large

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Keeping the NZB folder from growing too large

Postby UPdown » Thu Oct 19, 2017 11:58 am

I'm freshly into using NZB files for downloading through NewsBin. I download them externally and drag and drop and NewsBin then does it's business. I manually delete the NZB files and move on. However, it seems NewsBin is keeping a copy of those files and I see no mechanism for deleting them after a period of time, or a number of files has been reached or a size of all has been exceeded. I assume there HAS to be some managing mechanism, but I failed to find it. Can you steer me towards that setting?

Honestly, when their business is done, I see little upside for keeping any of them. If I wanted to share, I would have emailed the NZB files to anybody who I wanted to share with. I'm not into sharing that much.

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Re: Keeping the NZB folder from growing too large

Postby itimpi » Thu Oct 19, 2017 7:09 pm

As far as I know there is no automated clearing of these files. I get around this by periodically deleting all files from the Loaded folder (where Newsbin puts them after loading them).
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Re: Keeping the NZB folder from growing too large

Postby Quade » Fri Oct 20, 2017 5:24 am

Where are you finding them? Which folder?
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Re: Keeping the NZB folder from growing too large

Postby UPdown » Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:58 am

Underneath the Newsbin program folder, there are three sub-folders called, NzbAutoLoader, NzbLoader and Nzbs. I don't use the first two and they are empty as the milisecond they were created. The third fills up with COPIES of the NZB files I drag from my DOWNLOAD folder and drop on NewsBin. NewsBin then goes into download mode and doesn't create umpteen tabs for each file (my MUCH PREFERRED preference). Now, maybe the files are simply log files as they are pretty small. But a LOOK through a file with a text editor makes it LOOK like it's fully functional. Not a NZB afficianado so I can't look and confirm their still operational status. Frankly, after I've gotten the file downloaded into the NewsBin saving structure, I have no interest in keeping these files at all. A retention of three days would be MORE then enough for me and if you decided not to retain them at all, well I'd he happy. And yes I understand that a few MB in total is a cheap space price to pay for insurance, but exactly what insurance are they providing? Duplicate file detection? I move the files out of the NewsBin structure and if a duplicate arrives later, my use of FastCopy means I end up with only the one single file. So, I do not see ANY insurance keeping these files provides for me.
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Re: Keeping the NZB folder from growing too large

Postby UPdown » Sat Oct 21, 2017 11:00 am

itimpi wrote:As far as I know there is no automated clearing of these files. I get around this by periodically deleting all files from the Loaded folder (where Newsbin puts them after loading them).

Yeah, I wrote a batch file to delete the contents but haven't put it into Advanced Scheduler because I'm NOT SURE deleting them externally is a good idea or a bad idea. Once I understand the why's and why for's, then I can add it to the weekly system clean-up.
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Re: Keeping the NZB folder from growing too large

Postby Quade » Sat Oct 21, 2017 11:32 am

I could probably add that folder to the regular purge rotation. Normally Newsbin purges some folders for anything more than 2 days old.
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Re: Keeping the NZB folder from growing too large

Postby itimpi » Mon Oct 23, 2017 5:24 am

Quade wrote:Where are you finding them? Which folder?

From what I can see if I have the NZB Autoload option active, then the NZB files end up in two locations:
- The 'nzbs' folder in the Newsbin DATA location.
- The 'Loaded' sub-folder of the Newsbin NZB autoload location.
The second of these options never seems to get tidied automatically. Not sure about the first one - need to monitor it a bit more carefully.
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