Strange Interaction with Sickbeard

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Strange Interaction with Sickbeard

Postby n4aof » Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:44 pm

I'm running Newsbin Pro version 6.80B9: 00 72 06 C3 BF 8E and Sickbeard 507 (yes, I know there are newer/better programs than Sickbeard, but it works well enough)

For the last several versions of NBP 6.x there has been a weird interaction between newsbin and sickbeard -- I initially saw the problem in Sickbeard and it took me a long time to realize that newsbin was the cause.

Each time I start newsbin, I get five "Critical Error Messages" (which I just Hide Until Restart)
[10/25 19:35:57] ERROR SM_ListAddNZBData - Failed to read NZB File for import
[10/25 19:35:57] ERROR SM_ListAddNZBData - Failed to read NZB File for import
[10/25 19:35:57] ERROR SM_ListAddNZBData - Failed to read NZB File for import
[10/25 19:35:57] ERROR SM_ListAddNZBData - Failed to read NZB File for import
[10/25 19:35:57] ERROR SM_ListAddNZBData - Failed to read NZB File for import

The thing is that there aren't any NZB files for newsbin to be trying to read. It took me a little while to connect this to the problem I was having with Sickbeard.

Sickbeard is normally running all the time until I restart my computer. Then it may be a few minutes or a few hours before I start Sickbeard depending on what else I am doing at the time. Several weeks ago I tried to start Sickbeard and it wouldn't start because some files were missing. I located replacements and Sickbeard ran OK. The next time I started Sickbeard, same problem. I found that the missing files were:

By about the third time I encountered this, I found that the files weren't actually missing, just misplaced. These files had been moved to

It took me longer than it should have to connect the five "Failed to read NZB File for import" error messages from newsbin to the five sickbeard files that were moving down from the sickbeard directory to the sickbeard\loaded directory -- but slowly the light came on in my brain and I realized that newsbin was the only program that regularly moved files from the sickbeard directory to the sickbeard\loaded directory. After that I watched carefully immediately before and immediately after starting newsbin and confirmed that the files were in the proper directory before running newsbin but immediately after newsbin gave me the five error messages those five files were each moved down to the "loaded" subdirectory. I have no idea why newsbin is moving those five files, it doesn't move any other files in those directories.

This isn't an enormous problem for me because it just means that I need to put the files back where they belong before each time I start Sickbeard. Once Sickbeard is running it doesn't seem to care if the files are "missing." If there's some easy way to fix it great, if not I can certainly live with it.
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Re: Strange Interaction with Sickbeard

Postby Quade » Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:51 am

Sounds like you set an NZB Autoload load folder in Newsbin to somehow point to the sickbeard data folder.

You shouldn't do that.
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Re: Strange Interaction with Sickbeard

Postby n4aof » Thu Oct 26, 2017 10:07 pm

Quade wrote:Sounds like you set an NZB Autoload load folder in Newsbin to somehow point to the sickbeard data folder.

Yes, that's the folder where sickbeard puts its NZB files by default, so that's where I told newsbin to look for them.

Quade wrote:You shouldn't do that.

Worked fine for years, just started being a problem a several weeks ago.

Newsbin isn't messing with any of the other files in the sickbeard and sickbeard\lib folders, only those five files.
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Re: Strange Interaction with Sickbeard

Postby Quade » Fri Oct 27, 2017 12:23 am

If you have integration configured properly, Newsbin will get NZB's directly from SB without using a folder. Basically "black hole" mode doesn't need to be used anymore.

I suspect you have the folder set in the Autoload options, one folder too high. Instead of looking in the NZB folder, you're looking one folder higher than that so Newsbin is catching some of the SB data files. I imagine in SB you can set a dedicated folder for "black hole" mode which Newsbin and SB can share without including any SB data files.
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Re: Strange Interaction with Sickbeard

Postby n4aof » Fri Oct 27, 2017 1:52 pm

Maybe not the perfect solution, but I just set sickbeard to drop its nzb files into the newsbin nzbautoload directory which is working fine now
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