Aggressive Assembly Mode when the NZB is not complete.

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Aggressive Assembly Mode when the NZB is not complete.

Postby mjpierce » Wed Nov 01, 2017 2:33 pm

Aggressive Assembly Mode isn't assembling the files if the NZB is missing articles, as opposed to the Server missing them.

Running 6.80B10 under Win 7 32bit.
My file set I'm trying to download is about 133GB with 2.2GB .rar files.
Some of the .partXX.rar files are missing articles (segments) in the NZB itself but there are plenty of .par2 recover blocks.
For the incomplete .partXX.rar files, Newsbin never assembles and writes them to the final destination. The chunks just fill up the ...\Newsbin\Chunks dir until all free space on that disk is filled up
and Newsbin comes to a screeching halt.

As a side note, when this happened, I was unable to exit Newsbin gracefully. The disk space warning was poping up over and over again with no stopping. I had to kill the task in taskmgr.

Ok, so I tried a different approach. I tried to download one of the incomplete .partXX.rar all by itself, no .par2 files.
Newsbin downloads what it can, writes the data to ...\Newsbin\Chunks, and chucks the file in to the Failed Files list.
So I go into the Failed Files list, select the file, and tell it to Assemble Incompletes.
The file goes back to the download list, Newsbin rescans the file verifying that all available chunks have already been been download, then shoves it back into the Failed Files list.
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Re: Aggressive Assembly Mode when the NZB is not complete.

Postby Quade » Wed Nov 01, 2017 2:57 pm

Unless you start this download having at least 270-300 gigs of free space, it probably won't work. To be on the safe side I'd probably want 400 gigs free. If you're running out of disk space from incomplete chunks, you simply don't have enough free space.

Aggressive mode doesn't even kick in 'till the other downloads complete so, if you're running out of space in the midst of the download, you need to fix that.

You act like you think Aggressive mode works at the file level, meaning you seem to think Newsbin will download as much of the file as it can then assemble just that file. That's not how it works.
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Re: Aggressive Assembly Mode when the NZB is not complete.

Postby mjpierce » Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:35 pm

Ok, so what about the second part?

Where you can't "Assemble Incompletes" on the incomplete file because it goes from Failed to Download then back to Failed.
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Re: Aggressive Assembly Mode when the NZB is not complete.

Postby Quade » Wed Nov 01, 2017 6:35 pm

If you had enough disk originally, I think it wouldn't happen. You can force assemble incompletes during download by clicking the + then right clicking the individual files and "assemble incompletes".

Why do you think it's going to the failed list? Has it finished downloading all the files it can?
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Re: Aggressive Assembly Mode when the NZB is not complete.

Postby mjpierce » Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:28 pm

To keep it simple and basic there was only one file in this test of "Assemble Incompletes" from the "Failed" list.
The one (1) file was about 2.08GB with 14GB free space on the ...\Newsbin\Chunks drive and 170GB free on the final destination drive.

Yes, you can force "Assemble Incompletes" from the "Download" list if you are paying complete attention and catch it the the 25 seconds (not kidding) before it gets put back into the "Failed" list.

Clicking on "Assemble Incompletes" for a file in the "Failed" list does not seem to work. The file just gets sent to the "Download" list and back to the "Failed" list.
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Re: Aggressive Assembly Mode when the NZB is not complete.

Postby mjpierce » Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:33 pm

Just so I am clear, in this case, it is the post itself which is incomplete. There are Zero missing articles from the Server(s).
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Re: Aggressive Assembly Mode when the NZB is not complete.

Postby mjpierce » Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:42 pm

Sorry, one more note.
6.56 will download all the chunks and leave the file in the "Download" list for me to tell it to "Assemble Incompletes", which works. After which it removes the chunks from the ..\Newsbin_656\Chunks directory.
This suggests that the problem is a 6.80 behavioral issue.
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Re: Aggressive Assembly Mode when the NZB is not complete.

Postby Quade » Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:42 pm

This suggests that the problem is a 6.80 behavioral issue.

I'm not clear if it's actually a problem or whether you broke it by running out of disk space during your 133 gig download. I generated an NZB, removed about 2% of the chunks from the NZB and then tried to download it. It eventually assembled incompletes and repaired and unrared without me touching it.

The one (1) file was about 2.08GB with 14GB free space on the ...\Newsbin\Chunks drive and 170GB free on the final destination drive.

Basically you were out of disk space on the data folder drive. Meaning 5 incomplete files would be enough to run you out out of chunk disk space? At a minimum, the very minimum, you need 2 times the disk space available on the destination drive as the size of the download.

I'll try some more larger damaged files and see what I see. For whatever reason Newsbin decided to download all the PARS early which might make sense considering the files were pretty damaged. If all the files download and there aren't enough PAR blocks to repair the file (after it's run through the RARS and PARS) it'll send the set to the failed list.
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Re: Aggressive Assembly Mode when the NZB is not complete.

Postby mjpierce » Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:15 am

Ok so I tired again from scratch. From the Newsbin data folder I deleted all Autopar, Download..., and Signature DB3 files. I also cleared out the Chunks directory and started Newsbin.
I have 21GB free on my Chunks dirve and 100GB free on my destination drive.
This time I selected a much smaller single .rar file (not a file set) of about 22 Mega Bytes in a completely different post than above and made an NZB.
I edited the NZB to remove the last two segments.
I loaded the edited NZB into Newsbin and told it to download the file. The Download list shows the two missing segments a black boxes in the progress bar.
Newsbin downloads the good segments it has. There are no missing article reports from the News Server.
About 40 seconds later Newsbin puts the file in the Failed list. The Download list is now empty. The Failed list has only the one failed file.

So far so good...

I go to the "Failed Files" tab. Select the .rar file, right click for the pop-up menu, and tell Newsbin to "Assemble Incompletes".
The file goes back to the Download list. Newsbin thinks about it for a little bit, probably verifying that it has already downloaded the chunks.
About 40 seconds later Newsbin puts the file back into the Failed list.

Once again from the Failed list I tell Newsbin to "Assemble Incompletes". The file goes back to Downloads but this time, from the Downloads list, I tell Newsbin the "Assemble Incompletes".
The file gets assembled and written to the destination drive.
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Re: Aggressive Assembly Mode when the NZB is not complete.

Postby Quade » Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:40 pm

About 40 seconds later Newsbin puts the file in the Failed list. The Download list is now empty. The Failed list has only the one failed file.

I assume the PARS were grouped with these files? Did the pars download before it went to failed?

Everything I'm telling you is with the assumption that autopar is enabled and that the PARS either downloaded with the rars are still sitting there in the group paused.
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