Downloads not renaming correctly when finished

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Downloads not renaming correctly when finished

Postby contagous » Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:51 pm

I have noticed recently that most of my downloads are not renaming when they are finished auto extracting and are staying with the GUID's like below:


it should of renamed to <something> S03E02 720p HDTV X264-DIMENSION.mkv

Luckily i can open the .nzb and get the code for each out so i know which is which on multiple downloads but its getting a little frustrating, not sure if its a newsbin problem or not.

Any one come across it before

Thanks in Advance
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Re: Downloads not renaming correctly when finished

Postby ItsMe » Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:15 am

not a newsbin issue, that is how the files are being posted...
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Re: Downloads not renaming correctly when finished

Postby itimpi » Sat Nov 04, 2017 7:24 am

As these are becoming more frequent, Quade has said that he might look at trying to detect such files and then automatically rename them to match the NZB filename. No idea if it is really going to happen, and if it does what the ETA might be.
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Re: Downloads not renaming correctly when finished

Postby dexter » Sat Nov 04, 2017 8:48 am

contagous wrote:I have noticed recently that most of my downloads are not renaming when they are finished auto extracting...

That is the nature of these obfuscated posts. There are two solutions for you:

1) Go under Options -> Settings -> Filename Options and turn on "Subject Filename Mode"
2) Go under Options -> Settings and add the $(Subject) path variable to the download path (or unrar path if you have that set). This way the file will at least land in a folder named after the subject.
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Re: Downloads not renaming correctly when finished

Postby Quade » Sat Nov 04, 2017 11:33 am

If using NZB's I can sorta guess the name so I was planning on adding a feature to allow the NZB Filename to rename the output file too.
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Re: Downloads not renaming correctly when finished

Postby contagous » Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:32 pm

Quade wrote:If using NZB's I can sorta guess the name so I was planning on adding a feature to allow the NZB Filename to rename the output file too.

This would be great

dexter wrote:
contagous wrote:I have noticed recently that most of my downloads are not renaming when they are finished auto extracting...

That is the nature of these obfuscated posts. There are two solutions for you:

1) Go under Options -> Settings -> Filename Options and turn on "Subject Filename Mode"
2) Go under Options -> Settings and add the $(Subject) path variable to the download path (or unrar path if you have that set). This way the file will at least land in a folder named after the subject.

Thanks for this informatio

Thanks everyone.
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