Two odd problems regarding header d/l and permissions

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Two odd problems regarding header d/l and permissions

Postby shapiro88 » Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:26 pm

I recently reinstalled Newsbin after a crash. I had to recreate my NBI file from scratch. Now, when I launch Newsbin, it seems to "forget" previously downloaded headers and d/l's MBs and MBs of headers from certain groups. I've tried changing the settings for Download Age, but with no meaningful impact. I also downgraded from the latest beta to 6.73, also with no change. Any ideas what may be going on?

Another issue I'm having is certain downloads are placed in folders which I can't open due to permission errors. I'm running Parallels, and Newsbin in Windows 10. This is another new problem; I've been running Newsbin for close to a decade (and for at least 3 years under Parallels) with no such problems.

I am subscribed to 57 groups. Download Age is set to 360. I use primarily Giganews. I also connect to USN for fills, but do not d/l headers from USN.

I've searched the Forums for solutions to these items, but to no avail. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

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Re: Two odd problems regarding header d/l and permissions

Postby Quade » Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:44 am

Any ideas what may be going on?

Once a download starts for a group, the number of headers it'll download is fixed until you reset it. You reset it by selecting the groups, right clicking and selecting "Post Storage/Use Download Age". I suspect you groups aren't considered "new" so it's not using download age.

Another issue I'm having is certain downloads are placed in folders which I can't open due to permission errors. I'm running Parallels, and Newsbin in Windows 10. This is another new problem; I've been running Newsbin for close to a decade (and for at least 3 years under Parallels) with no such problems.

What's the chance that the path for these files is really deep? You might need to try to move them by hand. The current beta supports windows "Long Path" mode meaning there's no real limit to path length anymore.
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Re: Two odd problems regarding header d/l and permissions

Postby shapiro88 » Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:52 pm

Thank you for the suggestion re: header d/l’s. I’ll give it a go.

I think the permissions problem is due to something other than path length. My paths are pretty short. Any other thoughts?


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Re: Two odd problems regarding header d/l and permissions

Postby Quade » Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:10 pm

Since Newsbin doesn't set any permissions at all, I don't think it's Newsbin. Newsbin doesn't even know what permissions are. It opens a file, writes to it, closes it. It doesn't change ownership or anything like that.

I'd be more inclined to think it's some peculiarity in your VM software.
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Re: Two odd problems regarding header d/l and permissions

Postby shapiro88 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 4:50 pm

I resolved permissions problem by leaving the default d/l location as the Newsbin default, which is a folder on the Mac, and pointing other two locations to a folder on an external drive. If anyone else using Parallels is experiencing permissions problems, this may be helpful.

I’m still having the “header redownloding” problem. I’ve tried your suggestions, deleted all the range.db3 files, adjusted the d/l days, yet it still seeems like Newsbin is behaving like all headers on the server are new every time I launch the program and every time I double-click on a group. This is not a huge issue, but it does suck up time and eats up my d/l data limit. Also, it’s aggravating as heck, since Newsbin didn’t behave this way before I had to reinstall, and I know the solution exists.



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