No more downloads possible...

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No more downloads possible...

Postby dabbljues » Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:51 am

Since yesterday newsbin is not working correctly. It took 30 minutes for start up (this is since a long time now). Than it tries to start downloading the new headers, inserts some new found headers into the download list, but mostly nothing is downloaded. Only a few files (5 out of about 300) are downloaded. Also most of the newsgroups remain on the downloadlist and dont load the new headers.
After switching off and on my machine and restart newsbin the download list shows the remaining downloads, but nothing happens.
I'm using V6.80B11, build 4994

Update: it seems nothing works now.
- cannot sort the headers
- cannot delete unwanted files in the headerlist
- downloadlist is full with loading new headers, but nothing happens
Newsbin is in running mode of course and scheduler is disabled

Loading with "newshosting" from the same provider works perfect. But i wont loose all my duplicate markers with newsbin. So i need it working again.
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Re: No more downloads possible...

Postby Quade » Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:09 am

The duplicate detector is in Signature.db3 in the data folder. You might want to back that up.

As for your other problems. It might be worth deleting some of the DB3 files and see if things speed up.

1 - DownloadMarker.db3 - contains the downloaded state. The Downloaded marks some from this.

2 - Downloaded.db3 - Files list.

3 - DownloadsV2.db3. - Contains the download/failed/wish lists.

If any of these files get damaged is can cause slow startup.

I was going to suggest a re-install but you could try deleting these files one at a time and see if that helps. DownloadMarker has the most impact on the post lists.

I'd use "Open Data Folder" from the options, close Newsbin, delete one file, restart Newsbin and then try some downloads.
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Re: No more downloads possible...

Postby dabbljues » Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:35 pm

Is it a good idea to reinstall an older version of newsbin and is it save to have all the duplicate files still available after this?
I believe my problems started after the installation of the brand new version V6.80B11 some weeks ago.

I will try your solutions above the next days.

Checking the files in a short view (in appdata\roaming\newsbin) i found 2 spool directories: spool_v6 and spool. The spool directory contains a directory with 3022 files in it, while all other directories have 1-2 files.
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