Posts not loading a.b.teevee

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Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby rcobourn » Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:20 pm

Something odd seems to be happening with a.b.teevee. I'm on Giganews. The latest post that loads is from 11/18, but if I do a Newsbin search for something that should be posted since, it shows up. Noticed in beta 11, and still there in 12. I've tried to make sure that all filters are off, and I've cleared the list of spam posters. I've purged the stored headers and reloaded. I've unsubscribed the group and resubscribed. :?
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Re: Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby Quade » Tue Dec 05, 2017 7:59 pm

If what you're finding is between the "<bla bla bla>" and the rest of the subject is just some obscure numbers, it just means they've stopped posting in the clear.

Some of the major posting groups, including one of the majors for TeeVee has stopped posting.
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Re: Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby rcobourn » Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:36 am

No, I mean the postings just don't show up at all, except in the search. I'll attach some screen shots later. I figured it was a Giganews issue until I used the search function and found new posts, and was able to download from there. I'll attach some screen shots in the morning.
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Re: Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby Quade » Wed Dec 06, 2017 11:03 am

I'd probably not be using Giganews if that's the group you mostly download from. They're the most aggressive about deleting content of all the news servers. I prefer usenetserver these days.
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Re: Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby rcobourn » Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:18 pm

Good point about Giganews, I've been meaning to switch. Fact is I really don't download much any more, so it hasn't been much of a problem. Who has time to watch TV any more? :)

I made some screen shots to show the issue I seem to be seeing. If this is a Giganews problem, why can I download from the search tab? I have no backup servers at the moment. In the second screen shot, the group a.b.teevee is cut off, but it's there.


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Re: Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby rcobourn » Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:36 pm

Looking at the log, Newsbin is never requesting update from the server, for some reason. If I load new posts on another group, I can see it in the log. If I request update for a.b.teevee, nothing happens.
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Re: Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby rcobourn » Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:43 pm

Did find an update from earlier in the morning in the log...

[12/06 07:41:03] ALWAYS Giganews GROUP alt.binaries.teevee | 211 761186324 658467863 1419654186 alt.binaries.teevee
[12/06 07:41:03] ALWAYS Giganews XOVER 1419504496-1419654186 | 224 xover information follows
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Re: Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby rcobourn » Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:48 pm

I'm not really familiar with the what those numbers mean, but as guess, first one is new parts, second one is starting part number of new parts, and last number is last part. I'm thinking that first number is way too f'ing big, and is breaking something.
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Re: Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby Quade » Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:56 pm

Code: Select all
[12/06 07:41:03] ALWAYS Giganews GROUP alt.binaries.teevee | 211 761186324 658467863 1419654186 alt.binaries.teevee

211 - status
761186324 - record count
658467863 - min record
1419654186 - max record

Code: Select all
[12/06 07:41:03] ALWAYS Giganews XOVER 1419504496-1419654186 | 224 xover information follows

Newsbin is downloading headers that range from 1419504496 to 1419654186

I think you're going to find nothing is wrong and that the posts you're looking for from the TeeVee posting group have simply stopped being posted in the clear.
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Re: Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby rcobourn » Wed Dec 06, 2017 1:15 pm

Okay, but then why do I see them in the Newsbin search tab? If they weren't being posted, they wouldn't be there, right? :)
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Re: Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby rcobourn » Wed Dec 06, 2017 1:32 pm

Okay, I've got it figured out. I deleted the post storage again, and reloaded. Now I"m seeing the posts. Only difference between this time and the last time I did that was I cleared the spam posters list. So, at some point that list got something in it that it shouldn't. The list must not be applied in the search window. Thanks for bearing with me. :)
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Re: Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby Quade » Wed Dec 06, 2017 1:38 pm

As far as I can tell the "FULL" posts stopped on the 18th, which is what your original picture showed. Certainly there are other post but not the "FULL" ones.
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Re: Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby rcobourn » Wed Dec 06, 2017 3:13 pm

Yep... but I wasn't filtering on that. Filters were off. I think I got something in the keyword lockout that caused the issue. I can even vaguely remember hitting something and wonder WTF was that, now that I'm fully caffeinated. Either way, it seems fixed. I've also cancelled my Giganews account, which I've had at least since 2004. When the cycle on that comes up on the 22nd, I'll sign up a year on usenetserver.
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Re: Posts not loading a.b.teevee

Postby rcobourn » Thu Dec 07, 2017 11:14 pm

For the sake on anyone else who comes along having the same problem, it turns out the issue remains. I haven't been able to pick up a single new post in a.b.teevee since purging the post storage and redownloading headers. It looks like there hasn't been any posts since yesterday morning, even though that is impossible for that group, and in fact I can see newer posts in the search tab. I'm going to solve the problem by ignoring it until after the holidays when I'll be signing up for usenetserver, since I don't have time to watch anything I download for a few weeks anyhow. I don't think this could be a NB issue... I installed an older version with the same result.
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