Quade wrote:So you think Sonarr just keeps sending the same NZB's down? Or is the problem that Sonarr isn't renaming and moving the video files?
Are you seeing Sonarr talking to Newsbin in the logging tab?
Sonarr: Hey Newsbin, here's an NZB.
Newsbin: Sonarr, finished downloading it. It's located here...
Quade wrote:You could just interpret it yourself.
18-1-5 15:58:33.9|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'downloadclientworkingfolders' defaultValue:'_UNPACK_|_FAILED_'
18-1-5 15:58:33.9|Debug|UpgradeSpecification|This file isn't an upgrade for all episodes. Skipping F:\Pat's temp\Newsbin download temp dir\Show.Name.2016.S02E05.720p.HEVC.x265-MEGUSTA English.nzb\The.Show.Name.S02E05.720p.HEVC.x265-MEGUSTA English.mkv
18-1-5 15:58:33.9|Debug|ImportDecisionMaker|File rejected for the following reasons: [Permanent] Not an upgrade for existing episode file(s)
18-1-5 15:58:33.9|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'removecompleteddownloads' defaultValue:'False'
18-1-5 15:58:33.9|Trace|EventAggregator|Publishing TrackedDownloadRefreshedEvent
18-1-5 15:58:33.9|Trace|EventAggregator|TrackedDownloadRefreshedEvent -> QueueService
Is Sonarr running on the same machine as Newsbin
A release gets blacklisted for one of many reasons: It's password-protected, it's incomplete, it's actually the wrong thing but mis-named, and so on. You should check your sab or nzbget program to see why it failed. Blacklisting just means that sab or nzbget told Sonarr that it failed, and so Sonarr is marking it as blacklisted so it doesn't try to grab it again in the future.
[01/06 07:40:41] DEBUG NNTPServer: Post doesn't seem to be the post requested :9fba9dae812e4a0fa5d334ab339f1802 "9fba9dae812e4a0fa5d334ab339f1802.vol31+32.par2" yEnc - lQLupiwKLpnvS5Im5n6G
Are files ending up in the failed list?
A show airs and it gets posted in various resolutions. Some resolutions get posted by different groups, so while a 720p gets posted that is 1.2G, someone else posts one that is only 940M, and another comes in at 2.8G.
Sonarr finds an nzb for an episode I want. I have to assume that it wouldn't download a "blacklisted" release. Newsbin downloads that episode and puts it in a directory. Sonarr downloads another one. After each download, the Sonarr's status on that episode changes to "blacklisted".
Quade wrote:Are you asking Sonar to download all the reses?
Now I don't really know all of the handshaking that goes on between Sonarr and Newsbin,
Newsbin downloads it, but when extracted, it's actually a binary install file for Photoshop.
Quade wrote:Newsbin downloads it, but when extracted, it's actually a binary install file for Photoshop.
Are you actually seeing that?
What I'm looking for is whether Sonarr is getting confused by something Newsbin is saying to it. If a download succeeds but Sonarr thinks it doesn't for example. That's something I can fix. I can't fix spurious NZB's.
Newsbin (which, yes, replaces sab or nzbget) just says "it's bad", Sonarr says "okay, thanks, I'll blacklist it and try another release if there is one."
Newsbin will have the actual information on exactly why it failed. But what's important is that it failed for a valid reason, and it's not actually a good download.
18-1-6 02:37:39.6|Debug|BlacklistSpecification|Show.Name.S08E12.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION-xpost is blacklisted, rejecting.
Is it blacklisted because of something Newsbin said? Is it blacklisted because Sonarr looked at the download and made that determination? I don't know.
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