Turned on: Aggressive assembly mode
Turned off: Pause Pars and only download the ones needed for repair
Turned On

I then restarted newsbin. It doesn't seem to be helping.
What I appear to have is huge swaths of files that show a 100% complete bright blue bar in current progress. Most have a status similar to: (4 files, 0 pars) D:4 DL:0 Retry:0 N:10). If I expand a file set they status bar is all grey and it says downloaded. Why would newsbin be waiting to unrar? Even the ones at the top of this list are this way.
I'm not sure how I should proceed? Why would they
Will assembling incomplete help here? Should I delete everything in the chunks folder?
What would Quade do?

I'm running 6.72 Build 4776.
I have a pretty fast (200mbps) connection.)