Ex Newsleecher User - Is it possible to open files instead?

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Ex Newsleecher User - Is it possible to open files instead?

Postby m404 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 11:58 pm

I am pretty happy with the product so far, and am trying out RC2. Having come from Newsleecher I have a couple questions -

Are articles marked old when the latest headers are downloaded? I turned off the Mark as Old when added to list option, because it seemed like I kept getting lost on myself.

Is there a way to directly open attachments from the browsing interface as opposed to having to download each one and see it from the files list?

Is there a way to default to all New headers in the view instead of the past couple days and then having to select the current Month and hide old?

I appreciate the help. Hope everyone's having a good weekend!

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Re: Ex Newsleecher User - Is it possible to open files inste

Postby Quade » Sat Jan 13, 2018 4:28 am

1- Unless you have "Auto-Mark Old" checked, it'll never mark the posts old. It's either automatic, with that setting or a manual process. They get marked old after the group is loaded.

2 - There's no mechanism for this.

3 - The "Display Age" determines how far back in time it load. You could set it to 1 or 2 days. You can override the loading too by "Loading Special" if you want to see more.
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Re: Ex Newsleecher User - Is it possible to open files inste

Postby m404 » Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:01 pm

Thanks for the help. I appreciate it.
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