ERROR BR: Read Failure

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ERROR BR: Read Failure

Postby RangerXus » Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:14 pm

I received an error when doing a mass download of new headers for all my groups.

[03/17 11:53:41] ERROR BR: Read Failure: 10070 to read 0 Actual Read Code: 18446744071562145803
[03/17 11:53:41] ERROR BR: Read Failure - Would Block
[03/17 11:53:41] ERROR Server:EasyNews NNTPServer: Bad Compressed Header Format
[03/17 11:54:02] ERROR NEWS SERVER ERROR: Error talking to Server in initial connection : Server:EasyNews NNTPServer: Bad Compressed Header Format

I was able to continue on and have not notice any problem since so I am assuming it was just a hiccup.

But is it possible that headers for whatever group Newsbin was downloading at the time were lost and I am now missing headers in one or more groups? I don't know what group it was downloading headers for when the error occurred unless I assume it was the one mentioned in the log entry "ALWAYS EasyNews GROUP..." just before the error. I don't want to re-download all headers again but don't want to miss any entries also.

Any advice? Thanks.
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Re: ERROR BR: Read Failure

Postby Quade » Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:19 pm

It's just a connection failure and it shouldn't cost you any headers. Even if it happens 1/2 way through a header download, Newsbin should continue where it left next time around.

You could try disabling "XFeatures" in the server options (if it's enabled). Some firewalls don't like compressed headers.
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Re: ERROR BR: Read Failure

Postby RangerXus » Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:25 pm

Great. Thanks.
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