Any way for Newsbin to download just the rar from a fileset?

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Any way for Newsbin to download just the rar from a fileset?

Postby daboxx » Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:34 pm

I am not part of any cool indexers, so to find content I manually download .rar files from a group and open it in winrar to see what it is. If it is a file I would like then I take the Obfuscated file name and search it and download. Not really a good solution but the only way I have found to find content.

My question is this

Once I have downloaded headers from a group, I have filtered out junk and known spam, Is there any way to automate having Newsbin download just the .rar file, or par file for that matter as that one often works as well?

Presently to accomplish this task I will highlight the header, press the right arrow key to expand the file list, press the down arrow to select the file, then enter key to add to download list. It works but is giving me carpel tunnel....

Of course if I am being an idiot and there is an easier way I am all ears!

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Re: Any way for Newsbin to download just the rar from a file

Postby Quade » Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:16 am

What version are you using?

1 - In the 6.80RC (older versions too but 6.80 is best at it) selecting an obscure post and hitting Ctrl-R will make Newsbin download, read and display parts of the obscured set. It'll tell you if it's encrypted too.

2 - By default, it only downloads as many pars as it needs. I guess what you're asking for is a manual version of your "download the rar" technique. I believe Ctrl-R will do all of that for you.
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Re: Any way for Newsbin to download just the rar from a file

Postby daboxx » Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:59 am

Thank you Quade for the response.

I am using 6.80RC2. I have done the CTRL R before, and yes it will do the same thing most of the time. However I am looking for an automated way to do it. Not selecting each header and hitting CTRL R.

Using my present process I can scroll through, selecting each rar file in the headers until I have between 200-600 files in my download queue. The next day I have a folder of rar files to go through. Opening, scanning the title, and closing the rars is faster then setting up Newsbins download queue.

Is it possible to script or create a process that can open each header and download a .rar or .par file then go to the next header and do the same until the end of the lost of headers? The CTRL R function would be ok as well if it could be scripted and prepend the file instead of opening an new one.

Like I said, it is probably stupid but its the only way I have found to scan what was posted in obfuscated posts.

Thanks again for looking at this.
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