Post processing options for downloads

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Post processing options for downloads

Postby Zonal » Sun Apr 15, 2018 11:01 pm

Hello everybody,

I'm new to newsbin, but I'm using usenet for many years now just with different newsreaders. And like many people I got a NAS, but mine is old so parring and unrarring is preferred (a must really) on my local machine. I'm basically used to so called 'categories' that SABNzbd and NZBGet use which let you download locally and after processing automatically move them to a location on your NAS. I can't seem to find that kind of option in newsbin.

I used the search function on the forum and did find the 'Automatic download for Double-clicked NZBs' option which makes the download appear in the upper screen where you then can change the download location. But that will still do the processing on your NAS if you choose a folder there as destination and that's not what I'm looking for.

Then I saw the option to set an 'UnRAR Folder:' in settings and I set that to a folder on my local machine with the destination on my NAS. So I tried that out hoping that it would result in downloading it locally, parring and unrarring it locally and then move it to my NAS. But unfortunately it didn't. Now it got downloaded on my NAS and the local 'UnRAR Folder' became the destination.

So is it possible to automatically move downloads to my NAS after processing and what would be the best way to set it up in Newsbin? Also, I don't want to have all my downloads in one folder (on my NAS), I want to choose per download.

Sorry for the long post, but I want to show that I try and figure it out myself and not take the easy way by just asking up front.

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Re: Post processing options for downloads

Postby Quade » Sun Apr 15, 2018 11:45 pm

The download folder is where they download and the unrar folder is where they unrar to after download. It works. I test if regularly.

Keep in mind that things already in the download list already have a download an unrar path set so, changing the options won't change the path of the existing downloads. Only new ones.

There are numerous places to set the unrar path. For example, the main options, the per group options and the NZB Autoload function (which pick up an NZB from one or more folders).

Just setting the main unrar folder to the NAS will direct all the unrars there as long as you haven't done something else to override the unrar path.

Easiest way to know what unrar folder is being used it to start the download, let the first PAR download, then check the properties of the download.

It you mainly use NZB Files, I'd configure an NZB Autoload folder for Newsbin to monitor for NZB's and then feed your NZB's to that folder.
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Re: Post processing options for downloads

Postby Zonal » Mon Apr 16, 2018 12:33 pm

So there is no option to automatically move downloads after they've been downloaded? Because that's what I'm looking for.
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Re: Post processing options for downloads

Postby Quade » Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:47 pm

So there is no option to automatically move downloads after they've been downloaded? Because that's what I'm looking for.

What's the difference between, downloading to path, unraring to the same path and then moving to a NAS versus Downloading to a path, then unraring directly to the NAS?

Doing the first, which you seem to be asking for requires the output file to be written twice. Once to the download path during the unrar, then again when you move the files to the NAS. Any move to a different drive is basically the same thing as a copy then delete.

I guess I don't understand why you want an unrar then move versus unrar directly to the destination.
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Re: Post processing options for downloads

Postby Zonal » Tue Apr 17, 2018 9:29 am

The difference is that my i7-8700K does it in 10 seconds and my 8 year old single core NAS can take up to 10 minutes to par and unrar. So doing this on my local machine and then move the download to my NAS will still be faster then par and unrar on the NAS directly. And this is also what I'm used to for years now, both SABNZBd and NZBGet do it this way (by default or if you set it up like that).

It actually makes sense to me, but apparently not to everybody

But do you understand my point now? And I'm definitely open to another opinion, this was just what I was used to and it made sense for me.
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Re: Post processing options for downloads

Postby Quade » Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:12 am

The difference is that my i7-8700K does it in 10 seconds and my 8 year old single core NAS can take up to 10 minutes to par and unrar

The unraring and repairing is still happening on your PC. One of points of having a distinct "download" and "unrar" path is that you can download and repair to something fast then unrar to something slow. The file data is just being sent over the network to the NAS. It's really no different than a copy. Now it IS possible the NAS is slow to accept the file data but that would be true whether it's a copy to the NAS or an unrar to the NAS.

In order to test the unrar getting behind, I've been unraring to a USB stick. It's basically the same as a slow NAS. The download and repair happen on my local drive but the unrar, unrars to the slow USB stick. Downloading continues during the unrar too.
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Re: Post processing options for downloads

Postby Zonal » Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:13 pm

I tested it by zipping a movie and copying it to my NAS. And I unzipped it on my PC and my NAS to see the speed differences.

- PC: 36 seconds
- NAS: 6 minutes and 23 seconds

Copying the unrarred movie from my PC to my NAS took 3 minutes and 49 seconds. Adding the 36 seconds for unrarring makes a total of 4 minutes and 25 seconds. That's still almost 2 minutes faster then unrarring directly to my NAS.

And this is just the speed issue, I don't want my downloads all the end up in 1 folder. And as far as I understood you can only change the Download location and this will override the UnRAR path I assume?
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Re: Post processing options for downloads

Postby Quade » Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:32 pm

And as far as I understood you can only change the Download location and this will override the UnRAR path I assume?

I don't think I ever said that. The download and unrar paths are independent of each other. They're only the same if you don't actually set an unrar path.

I download to X:\Download\ and unrar to H:\ (the USB drive). Look in the options, you can set the main download and main unrar path right there. If you add $(NZBFILE) to the unrar path, the NZB Filename will become part of the path

H:\$(NZBFILE)\ - Unrar Path +
Filename.Test.NZB - NZB Filename
= H:\Filename.Test\<Filename.mkv>
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Re: Post processing options for downloads

Postby Zonal » Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:01 pm

I didn't say that you said that, that was what I understood exploring and trying out these options.

It's just all way different then what I'm used to. I also can't quite figure out the watchlist and NZB auto load folder you were talking about in that other topic.
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